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After visiting the graveyard they all visited the house where minhyuk,jinwoo, and sanha grew up 

The house which was once filled with laughter and smiles and all the teasing the memories that have been pent up in this house they all teared up and started to cry every year they would control themselves in the graveyard and then come here in the house and cry heavily 

After the incident sanha left to go abroad for studies and jinwoo left the house as he couldn't live there anymore they all came towards a board with rocky's photo stuck on it and two other photos of six of them in the house with puffy eyes but smiling faces, binnie took a polaroid camera from the bag and gave it to sanha and told him to take a photo and all of them wiped their tears from the eyes and took a selfie from it and stuck it on the photo wall with the time on it.

There was pin-drop silence as they stared at the photo wall and then seok ah broke the silence by saying still facing the photo wall " see this year we even have sanha with us and we stuck the photo of us visiting here as you asked us to minhyukah while gracing the photo of minhyuk, others started to cry even more after hearing this especially jinwoo as he raised minhyuk as his known son. 

And there was another person who wasn't smiling or having any expression and it was hard to understand him while seeing him what he was thinking. 


I saw jinwoo crying so hard while watching the photo wall and then my attention went towards him, I just couldn't read his expression and what he was thinking, and when I was lost in my own thoughts a hand intertwined with my hands. I knew whose hands this is it was eunwoo's we both stared at each other and knew each other's thoughts he grazed the back of my hand and somehow it was comforting.  

After some time all of us came out of the house and went into a diner for our lunch and ordered what we wanted and ate and no one spoke not even a word. It's always like this on this day of the year we just couldn't form words on this day. While we were all silent and sanha broke the silence " Do you all remember the first time we all got to know about minhyuk Hyung " We all looked at sanha and smiled at the sweet memory of meeting him. 

Flashback : 

It was a really cold day when all of them saw minhyuk for the first time but seeing him made their heart warm even if the atmosphere was cold, his black wolf-like features, pitch-black hair his face half-covered with his long bangs, and sweet smile but also nervousness in his eyes.

Actually, jinwoo bought him home and said that from today he will be his brother he found minhyuk, not in good condition in a park but when asked he told that his parents left him in the park and that they would come back but never came back when he interrogated about it he got to know that minhyuk's parents died in a car accident and now he doesn't know about it and now he is here with jinwoo as he wanted to take care of him all of them were not much older at that time like they were all around 16-17 years and took him in and from that day jinwoo took care of minhyuk like his own son even though he was very young, all of them still remember one-day minhyuk had viral fever jinwoo and sanha literally were awake for four days straight till his fever got down and even sanha accepted very soon and as he was younger than minhyuk but still very careful with him as he can get hurt even though he was hurt but sometimes all others felt that sanha is older than minhyuk.

Present time:

They all smiled at the fond memory and suddenly binnie told " Do you remember when sanha and minhyuk bunked the class and ran away to the park because sanha was bored and the teacher called jinwoo and gave punishment to jinwoo as both of them ran away" they all laughed really hard at the memory. Everyone's eyes sparkled at the memory and with tears as he is not with them. Tina doesn't know much about minhyuk but she met him during their college days with binnie and others and she knows the bond between them. 

They all came to the city back and went to their own home.

Seok ah finally let her tired self on the bed and was letting her tired self engulfed in the dark, then she heard her phone chime she opened the message and it was from tina.


Hey seok ah ya let's meet tomorrow at the cafe near your office 

yes sure at what time?

at 11:00 am?

yeah okay for me, but what is the matter?

remember what you asked me at the police station last time 

yeah about the culprit right?

yeah I want to tell you about him and so please meet me 

yeah sure I will be there on time, see you tomorrow 

yeah sure, good night, and take care don't stress your hand much 

yeah sure thanks 😊


Seok ah woke up and immediately hold her hands due to pain as she forget about it and stretched it. She hissed in pain and immediately eunwoo woke up and caresses your hand, seok ah was shocked at how this man can even hear her slightest hiss. 

eunwoo-yah when did you woke up giving him a confused face 

good morning love I was asleep but then I heard you heard you hiss in pain you know I have sharp ears right 

The hiss wasn't even that loud she was still confused, she was giving him a confused look, and then she felt a soft pair of lips on her lips, she was shocked for a second but immediately melted into the kiss it was a slow, soft, and passionate kiss, and then broke the kiss for some air and seeing eunwoo smile and blush in front of her wishing her good morning and she just blushed harder and said yes now it was a good morning.

She woke up and like yesterday eunwoo didn't let her do anything and was roaming around her so that he can help well her heart fluttered as who wouldn't like a caring fiance who is soon to be husband. she completed my morning routine and breakfast as eunwoo even fed her breakfast she told him that she would eat herself but no he wouldn't let her and also told her to take a leave from the office and she just gave him a glare. But she said that she want to go out today as she want to meet tina and he gladly accepted it but told her that he would drive her to the cafe and she nodded, thank god he will not come to the cafe as he will have a meeting at 11:00 too 

Eunwoo completed getting ready and now they were leaving, he drove me to the cafe and went to the office for his meeting and she was waiting for tina and was getting worried that what if her suspicion gets true and what will she say to eunwoo and how.


I saw tina entering the cafe and she had a brown file in her hand and I was getting more and more tensed she sat in front of me and greeted me she had a faint smile on her face and I understood something is not right she held my hand and kept the file on the table and told me to open it and she went to order something to eat and I was hesitating to open and finally grabbed the file and open it and the photo I saw when I opened the file sent shivers to my spine and I couldn't believe my eyes at that tina came and saw my shocked expression and nodded that it was him and the person who was the culprit is ......



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