Chapter 7

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Minsan kung sino pa ang hindi mo gustong makita ang siyang palagi mong makikita, katulad nalang ngayon.

I'm doing my pamper routine in a nail salon when someone entered, naturally, I won't really care if it is just some random passerby but I can't really ignore this one.

This is... Angela Rose Aquino, looks so pure and innocent. Kung hindi ko lang siya kilala ay baka iisipin kong isa siyang anghel na bumaba sa langit, pinanindigan ang ANgela sa pangalan niya, but because I know her and identified her as someone who robbed my fiancee in dream and reality. I don't really care about the robbed fiancee, what I care the most is that someone as insignificant as her let me feel threatened and inferior in that dream! Which I hate the most.

"what would you like us to do maam?" I heard the manicurist asked her after giving her a brochure containing every design that they offer for those new costumers. I heard her choose something before sitting to the position next to me.

"Your nail s are beautiful as always" my manicurist complimented me.

"sure, they are. You are always taking care of them."

"you flatter me miss Madrigal" I smiled and continued observing that Angela, I felt her gaze roaming around me and I felt the strong hostility that she feel. I smirked inside me, she is not only a snake but also a jealous woman who can't take others above her. I am really impressed at Jerome's taste when it comes to woman, he is too dense and too easy to deceive by the surface does not know how to observe in depth, now, I feature how he will be if he inherits his family business in the future, I bet that although, it won't be bankrupt, it will at least be like a normal company who will be once a glorious company.

Not worth it for all that suffering.

"wake me up after you're done"

"Yes maam" I closed my eyes and let the manicurist do her job.

I just planned to take a nap pero hindi iyon natuloy when I heard that familiar voice coming near.

"sorry, I'm late" I opened my eyes at tama nga ang narinig ko, Jerome Luke Brio, same face as I remembered, nothing change.

I snickered at doon nga at nakuha ko ang atensyon niya.

"what are you doing here?" tila nagulat siya nang makita ako.

"do you know where is this?" I blew my newly done nails and looked at him like he is a fool. "This is the nail salon where I always go to. It is actually rare seeing you in this place. Don't tell me..." I looked at the girl beside me "your girlfriend?" he didn't answer me, instead stay as where he is. I didn't mind his lack of answer though.

"Tapos na po Miss Madrigal"

"Thanks. Here" I gave her my card, waited for my card and held my bag. I looked at Angela from head to toe

"Nothing special" I said before leaving that place. Should I find new nail salon to do my nails? After having that thought ay agad ko iyong winaksi sa isip ko. WHy should I? I am a VIP costumer in that place, they should be the one to leave if they have enough shame.

Seeing them makes me in bad mood, I want to go home but I still have an appointment with Axel kaya dumiretso nalang ako sa coffee shop kung saan kami magkikita.

Hindi rin matagal ang paghintay ko dahil agad rin siyang nakarating.

"Am I late or kanina ka pa talaga dito" he looks perplexed sa aga nang dating ko

"Kanina pa ako nakarating dito. I was doing something nearby when you set the appointment and I have nothing to do so I just decided to wait for you here"

"oh, okay. Something happened? You look bothered"

"Yeah, just encountered something unpleasant but no worries I already recovered. By the way have your order, it's my treat"

"No, it's okay. I'll pay for it"

"I said I wanted to repay you right? Although treating you for a coffee is not enough I still wanted to do it" having no choice he smiled and nodded, he went to the counter and order his coffee and dessert, hindi ko pa naubos yung order kaya di na ako umorder pa ulit.

He went back with his order.

"thanks for this"

"No worries"

I smiled and glance outside, the weather is clear today.

"do you love sunny days?"

"are we talking about the weather now?"

He smiled and sip on his coffee "Sunny days makes me uncomfortable, I like the sound of the rain more"

"It actually depends on my mood, but I do prefer rainy days too. It makes me want to snuggle on my blanket and my pet"

"you have a pet?"

"yes, he is Marco, an almost 15 weeks old maltese. How about you? Do you like pets?"

"I do, but I don't have the time to take care of one. I've been busy eversince I started college"

"yes, you're already in college right? What year?"

"3rd year at Queensleve"

"I am also planning to enter QUeensleve after receiving my exam result and after my interview, which department are you?"

"Science Department" I asked him things about Queensleve and places that were popular on that place. I've discovered many things about him as well as my prospect University.

"I don't know much about the Art or Music Department so I can't tell what kind of atmosphere they have, do you want me to check it for you"

"No, I'll check it myself. Pupunta rin naman ako doon sa araw nang interview ko"

"If you say so." We've talked about many things, umalis lang kami sa coffee shop when the two of us decided to stroll in the mall.

He want to buy some material for a project that he will make, I have nothing to do kaya sinamahan ko siya, curious about his course. We went to a known tech store, he bought some materials while introducing it to me. After paying for it ay umalis rin kami agad doon, I saw a store selling some instruments and I remember that I need to buy a string for my guitar ay agad na sinamahan niya ako doon.

"what kind of instruments do you play?" he asked

"hmm, piano, cello, guitar, flute, violin. I also know some other instruments. How about you? Do you know how to play some instrument?"

"I did. My father enrolled me to different kind of classes when I was young"

We parted ways near 5 pm, we decided to set another meeting if we were given a chance. While the driver was driving the car away, outside I saw the image of Jerome and her Angela, from the looks of it they look like they are in disagreement about something.

As I look at Jerome's image I subconsciously compared him to Axel. Jerome is handsome but comparing to Axel who have an other worldly beauty and elegance naturally carve in his bone, compared to the attitude that the two of them had, maybe even Jerome's wealth is not so great than his. Axel completely trampled him below his feet. What kind of worth does he have against Axel.

I closed my eyes and a thought came in my mind.

Nothing. Jerome can't compare to even a nail of Axel. Nothing.

I only blamed for the me in that dream for being so stupid and for faith for not letting the two of us meet.

That me in dream does not really know the immensity between heaven and earth. Utterly foolish.


The Reborn Rich Girl Daily LifeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon