Well random,random

26 2 10

So I'm back after a while guys! Anyways I've been thinking that kids are way cooler then teenagers and adults!:O why you may ask,well, most kids don't know swearing or cursing or at least don't while asults and teens may do! Also kids have more faith towards God then teens and adults cause teens sometimes lie about parties or stuff and adults lie about work or others even thoug teens and adults have been trained but kids don't really know which is wrong and right soo kids the cool! Plus kids don't text much. Lol! XD and people, do this thing and if you win you get a million dollars or pesos or whatever money you use! Here's the challenge spot the numbers,only numbers, that are not 9:9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999&£999999999999999994999999999999999999999999998999999999999999969999999999999999999999999999999!9999999999999999199999999999999991199999999999999999999999899999995999999999939999999999999! Done? Well comment the numbers that are not nine!

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