Well random,sicence

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Warning! If you don't want to read swearing do not read any further!

Well once upon a time there was a couple the couple were just ordinary. One day the man ran as a canidate in elections he then was elected president! He said"Oh my gosh!!! I am the president!" He told his wife,then his wife was so happy! The next day the man was running new rules, and he was calling his wife to know what new rules should be added

Man: maybe we could add a charity week when everyone has to donate to the poor

Woman: I suggest to make it on a later date so everyone can donate well

Man: ok

So they ran it and there was a typhoon so after the typhoon they made charity week. The end!

Hahaha!!!! Were you about to stop reading? Or did you continue?! When you read the warning and you are told not to listen to swearing the part of your brain that activates logic explained the reasons why you should stop reading, but you have may continued reading! Of course i never swear and maybe you think swearing is ok but i don't think that. Arrange the daysof the week in alphabetic order! You have 10 seconds!!! Go!

Done???! Then think of a color then a tool the comment here for your color and tool!

Did you say red hammer???! I was expecting that! 83% of the people,both in at wattpad and my friends, said red hammer!!!laughing out loud!

Next guess what word I'm thinking you can spell with these words:eipns

Did you stop reading cause you think the correct word is bad???? Well there is 2 words you can spell but the word I was thinking of was SPINE.

To my valued readers-Sappy

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