Chapter 4: The Prophecy of a Thousand Tears

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A great leaping flame rose from a bonfire in a strange clearing in the woods. Its light lit the night, casting eerie shadows on the faces of the people forming a strange half circle around it.

Dressed in nothing but bird's feathers and leaves, the men and women in the circle chanted in a guttural language, softly and almost like a prayer. The flames seemed to react to the words, leaping higher and seemingly dancing in the nonexistent breeze. One of these people, a short woman with bright purple hair and sapphire eyes, stepped forward out of the half circle while still chanting. The group moved and re clasped their hands to close the space she had left. The woman's face was serene, shoulder's back and posture straight with self assurance. Without pause or ceremony, the young woman stuck her small hands into the hungry flames. Instead of an unearthly scream and the horrific stench of burning flesh, the woman began to sing her chanting words as the flames jumped up her arms and around her entire body. Not a single space of flesh on her body was burned and her eyes had turned from sapphire to a glowing white.

Their voices' tone changed from soft reverence to a heightened shout causing the flames to spike all around the young woman. She was like a candle set to burn.

And just as suddenly as the tension had built, the voices disappeared and the firelight went with it. Darkness and silence fell over the clearing like a heavy blanket.

Out of the deafening quiet the now naked and soot covered woman's voice rang out.

"We must morn now, brothers and sisters," she proclaimed with a deep sense of despair. "For I have looked into the future and seen death. A thousand tears for a thousand men. A bleeding wolf and a river. A weathered hand and a baby's first cry. Death assured but life possible."

The woman paused as a rumbling of whispers ran through the group. Fear, awe, and speculation coloured their words.

Whose death had been seen? Was it theirs?
They had all seen the signs. The royalty no longer held council from the Maji and now even openly rejected their teachings. The townspeople, who had never really trusted them to begin with, were becoming less and less tolerant to coexisting with their Maji brethren. Jailings were now commonplace for people who were deemed to abuse their abilities, were hangings and burnings in their future too?

"Brothers and sisters," the woman started but was soon drowned out by the sea of other voices. With a resounding clap of her hands, she tried again louder this time.

"Brothers and sisters, it is the time to morn and prepare for what is to come. But it is not the time yet for despair. I have seen one who is yet to come who will decide which path we are set for; either life or destruction. We must trust in the Devine and have faith in the path in front of us."

Each person turned to the others.

"Have faith, brother," they whispered.

"Have faith sister."

They went on like this for the next few minutes and then departed. There was no time set for the next meeting nor even an agreement upon the location. Each knew that they were entering into a time where this may be the last meeting they may ever attend with one another.

In the quiet buzz of the night, the woman with purple hair was the only one remaining in the clearing. She sat in deep contemplation of the images she had seen. Dangerous images, she thought. Images she'd had no right to look at. If any of the royal guards even had a suspicion that she'd dared look into the future of any royal, let alone that of their crowned prince, her life would be forfeit. She had to hide, she decided. She could not go back to the town. She had to get as far away as possible before news of her visions spread.

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