The merging

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Chapter 28 

The earth quaked once more, with a mighty roar. Lux Draco's voice continued to radiate from every direction, even in Balbazar's mind. "Take it, Balbazar, take it," the voice continued, the pure crystal globe burned, brighter than the very sun itself, turning the night into day.

The platinum-colored prongs glinted brilliantly in such a bright light. They held the crystal, firm yet soft enough not to shatter the delicate crystal. Balbazar raised his eyebrow at the sword. He reached out a hand for the gold - wrapped hilt.

The trees rocked and swayed, violently, back, and forth. Some even snapped and broke under the exertive force upon them. The closer Balbazar's claw got to the hilt, the more magnetic the invisible force radiating from the sword Lux Draco become.

The gold and silver handle was warm to the touch. Before Balbazar could warm himself from the chill in the air, the forces overwhelmed him from within. Dirt and stone levitated around him as the ground continued to shake mightily. Broken trees joined the dirt and stone surrounding Balbazar.

Letting out an earth, shattering roar, Balbazar could feel the merging of himself, and the cosmic forces, that were well, beyond anyone's understanding. Bright swirls of gold, blue, and white surrounded the already miasma of debris. His eyes, burned a bright, white, and gold, he could feel the merger, were almost complete, and in an instant, the shaking and wind stopped, dead, as a tomb.

Balbazar inhaled the last bit, electrical energy, through his eyes, and nostrils. Claire, and the others, choked and coughed on the oppressive amount of dust still surrounding all of them. Claire was the first to speak, her mouth dry from the dust. "Balbazar! She shouted; are you ok? Did it work?"

The dust cloud hung there, obscuring Balbazar's form like a silent enemy. Only a silhouette of him was visible. Even through dust and haze, Saraston gasped aloud. "My God, he's gotten, taller!" Stepping out of the thick dust, and haze Balbazar studied his friends for a long moment, before speaking, "Yes, my friends, I'm, his voice, trailed off... we are, fine. He said, beaming."

Saraston, Thoradin, Adien, Claire, and Corana formed a partial circle around the newly transformed Balbazar. Saraston spoke first, "So how does it feel to be a full God?" Balbazar's once modest laugh was now a booming one. "This merger may look like I've got godhood, but Lux Draco is merely working his magic through me. I'm still me, with added benefits."

Claire scoffed. "Some benefits, she said dryly. You've got access to far more power than any of us. I would call that Godhood." Balbazar's eyes glinted in the moonlight, "Not to worry everyone, he said. This merger won't turn out, like Maroch's. In fact, this is the only way to even have a chance at victory."

Corana let out a puff of air out of her nostrils. 'Like it or not, she thought, Balbazar was a changed being, for good or ill, hopefully, for the side of good. For the world simply could not withstand two, Maroch, like beings, running amuck, using their friend, and comrades, body.'

A changed body. It was at least, for the time, being Balbazar, now standing, at a ginormous, twelve feet tall, instead of nine feet tall, that he was. His once black wings were now of the same pure platinum color everyone had seen in Lux Draco's hair. His once gold scales were the color of the vanadium steel. The sword looked like it was made from. The armor he now donned was so bright. It was as if you were looking at the sun. A fearsome, white dragon adorned his breastplate and shield.

Before anyone else could ask questions, Balbazar raised a hand. "My friends, I assure you I'm safe. This bond also allows me to share. Lux Draco's thought's. You, and the world, have nothing to fear from him, or me. I think you would all agree that time is now, of the essence, we must be going." 'Aye,' Thoradin said, clearing his throat, "We've lost a lot of time. With this right enough, Dreladore and innocent lives are at risk. We must go."

Everyone mumbled their own version of agreements and walked to where the horses had run to after the combat had started. Balbazar stared at the muscular, white steed, to which he had been riding, and smiled, "Well, he said, it looks like I'm walking."

The horse snorted in agreement. From some, where in Balbazar's mind, Lux Draco, laughed. "Not to worry, he said. Just grab the reins, and your steed will be altered as well." Balbazar raised an eyebrow. 'Na can't be that easy, he thought. "Trust me," 'Came the voice of Lux Draco, again.' Balbazar let out a long sigh and grabbed the reins.

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