
170 7 0

March 18. 2024

Welcome Everyone.
Okay so, I had a big ass whole seasons idea for this book. I think this is my 3rd time re-vamping this book honestly. I had it all planned out the first time but of fucking course, I had to get hacked. Re-do the second, got stuck, stressed, confused, tired in one.

So, this time, I assure you this book will be better. Well, I hope it is.

Before I continue any further, just wanted to say I have a few rules when reading anything from me or much as to request. If you don't like my rules, your happy to leave.

I don't condone hate on ANY ship in my book or a person for that matter. This is all fiction and I hope you get that; I get the answer on how a character behaves but hating on the real person when this doesn't concern them is dumb.

I'm not fighting no one over no damn ship. I've got morals. Shipping is supposed to be a fun thing. Anything I write about any idol is not how they are irl, no one knows how they are irl unless them and the person their close with. I'm not assuming anyone's sexuality; I don't care what they are.

What I'm trying to say is, IT'S FICTION! OKAY? FIC-TION. NOT REAL. So, for the delulu's be mindful of that.

Okay so the rules:


No Bdsm


No little/small space fics

No switching their gender they came into this world with

No Crazy love abuse fanfiction

No love bully fic

No Y/N

No Rape, Psycho, kidnap,  Love stories

No fics with a LONG ass predatory Age Gap

If this Book does well, expect more Books on this ship from me.

That's all. See you later. Byeee!


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