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name: Vivienne Phoenix ClawThorne
nicknames: Vivvy/Viv.
Gang name: Daga (dagger)
age: 12
gender: Female
pronouns: she/her
sexuality: Straight
personality: Pretty much like Lilith's,Exept for...More...I think shy is the right word?
Other: She hates large crowds...
appearance: EXACTLY like younger Lilith. The ONLY TWO differences is the fact that Vivvy's glasses are a slightly darker shade,And she wears a Red crystal necklace around her neck.
covens, or what magic they study: Emperors coven (at first) Abomination And Bard Tracks. Then she's a wild witch.
palisman: A phoenix named Fido.
habits (good or bad): Acting tough even when she wants to cry (Bad) Pushing others to get them to give her space (Bad.) acting Like she's better than everyone (Bad.) Apologizing when she goes too far (Good.) Giving Hugs to sad people (Good.)
strengths: Fire,Flying,Music and Abominations.
weaknesses: Water (Exept for the water in the boiling sea.),Strong winds,Beast keeping and Bright flashes of light.
friends: The owl fam and Aprahzna's (blood's) gang.
love interest: Hunter (ONLY IN CERTAIN RP'S. In other roleplays,He's her adoptive brother.)
family: Lilith (mother) Zephaniao (Father) Edalyn (aunt) Gwendolyn (grandmother) King (adoptive Older Cousin) Luz (adoptive older cousin) Coda (adoptive older brother) Aprahzna (adoptive older Cousin,Coda's Biological younger cousin.) zephyr (cousin) Hunter (Adoptive older brother (this depends on the rp,If he isn't her bro in rp,Then he's her crush))Amity (adoptive Older sister.)
languages spoken: English,French and German.
-Came from the future.
-Is best friends with Aprahzna,who turns sort of evil and changes her name to Blood in the future and let's Vivienne join a gang with her..
-Hunter is her favorite Sibling
-The only water she likes Is The water in the boiling Sea.
- When lilith left the coven she took over as head of the emperors coven.

During warm seasons or anywhere sunny.

Beast: During warm seasons or anywhere sunny

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During the cold seasons or any where snowy.

During the cold seasons or any where snowy

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A/N: Don't know who made the first one. But the second picture is made by Shadowdragon22 on deviant art.



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