7: bad shrooms & daddy issues

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coughs filled the room, as did smoke.
the never ending high filled seungmins brain with delight.
it felt like he was in the clouds as he stared at the ceiling fan.
nothing could top this, not even head from one of the guys.
"you good, minnie?" chan asked, eyes droopy as the chemicals of the drugs flooded his brain.
"i'm fucking amazing." seungmin said.
"don't you guys think we're like, addicted?" felix asked.
"you can't get addicted to weed, dumbass." hyunjin slurred.
"you can. i cant go a day without getting high. or else i'll just be.. bleh." jisung said, laying back.
"this isn't weed guys." jeongin laughed.
"it's shrooms!" minho said.
"we're gonna be tripping balls in a minute, man." chan said.
"why the fuck does the couch have teeth?" changbin asked, eyes fixed on the beat up couch in front of them.
"what?!" seungmin sat up and looked at the couch.
his eyes distorted the figure into something horrifying.
sharp teeth emerged from the cushions, covered in blood.
seungmins eyes widened as he screamed.
"what the fuck?!" he shouted.
"seungmin, calm down!" chan yelled.
"seungmin, how the fuck are you still in alive..? that guy in the corners stabbed you like.. ten times.." felix slurred.
seungmins eyes began to water as sheer panic spread through his body.
stabbed??? what man??
"what kind of fucking shrooms are these?!" hyunjin shouted, looking at jeongin.
"i-i got them from a friend! they said they were normal!"
god were those shrooms not normal.
they spent the last hour crying and panicking over the hallucinations they were seeing.
horrifying figures haunted their eyes, along with beautiful ones, and double vision.
it was he worst trip any of them had ever gotten.

seungmin sat up, rubbing his eyes as he looked at his friends, scattered on the floor, asleep.
everyone's eyes were puffy, with tear stains on their red cheeks.
he stood up and walked towards the bathroom, rinsing his face off with cold water before walking into the living room.
"morning." minho said.
seungmin looked over to his boyfriend, drinking a glass of water.
"i'm never taking shrooms again." seungmin said, leaning onto minho.
"yeah, not from jeongin." minho laughed, playing with the boys hair.
"i thought i was gonna die."
"me too."
seungmin sat there for a moment in silence.
no words exchanged.
just the occasional sip of minhos ice water and deep breath from seungmin.
"chans throwing a party tonight." minho said.
"why didn't he say anything?" seungmin asked.
"he was going to, but everyone was taking shrooms, so he didn't. he got high instead."
seungmin just nodded as he yawned
"who alls gonna be there?"
"tons of people probably. when's there ever not?"
seungmin just nodded as the others began to wake up.
"god fuck drugs." jeongin said.
"gonna get myself a d.a.r.e tshirt." hyunjin said, rubbing his face.
"tell me about it." changbin stood up walking to the kitchen, grabbing himself a glass of orange juice.
"what the fuck were in those shrooms?" chan asked.
"i-i dunno.. i'll ask later." jeongin responded.
"who even have them to you?" jisung asked.
"yedam.." jeongin said sheepishly.
"explains it. motherfucker always gets some weird shit. you gotta stop hanging with him." chan said.
"isn't he your cousin?" hyunjin asked.
the conversation was interrupted as jisungs phone rang.
"uhm i'm gonna take this."
jisung quickly walked outside, leaving everyone confused.
"did you see who it was?" chan asked changbin.
"sanghyun." changbin said.
everyone looked at each other as they waited for jisung's return.
minutes passed that felt like hours, but eventually jisung came back.
when he walked in, all eyes were on him.
"uhm i'm gonna go run to the gas station. if you guys want anything from there, text me." he said as he walked out of the warehouse.
"minho go get dressed and stalk him. don't get caught or he'll get angry. only help if necessary."
minho nodded at chans words as he quickly got dressed before following jisung out of the house.
"let's clean this place up a bit, make it more cozy for when ji comes back." hyunjin said.
everyone quickly did as told, taking showers and cleaning the place up for jisungs return.

minho followed the younger as he walked.
it alarmed minho when jisung was most definitely not walking to the gas station, but chan said to only help if necessary.
minho followed jisung for six blocks before they reached the woods.
minho made sure to keep a safe distance from jisung in order to stay hidden, and if jisung was going to walk in these wounds, staying quiet would be nearly impossible.
but the thought could barely circle minhos head before jisung fell to the ground on his knees.
the older was on high alert as he watched jisung sob on the ground.
it plucked every heart string minho had.
seeing the younger in so much pain without being able to help, or knowing the exact cause, is very difficult.
so minho just watched him carefully.
after a few minutes, jisung submerged into the woods, minho quickly following behind.
minho followed the younger deep into the woods before reaching a small waterfall with a large rock.
so this is where jisung went all the time?
jisung say on the rock and brought his knees up to his chest.
suddenly, jisungs phone rang again.
hesitantly, he answered it.
"hello..?.. n-no sir i haven't.. no... i swear i haven't been crying... i know.. men don't cry.. no, i'm not a woman... please no no no no... please dad no.. dad?!... dad??!!" jisung stared at his phone as the call ended.
minho watched as the younger struggled to breathe.
he stood up as he hyperventilated, backing up and into trees, trying to find something, anything, to hold onto.
panic coursed through his veins as he searched for his phone.
he couldn't breathe.
he needed help.
minho saw the younger pale, and finally revealed himself.
"hey hey, sunshine." jisung quickly held minhos arms tight as he guided jisung to lay down.
"you're okay, deep breaths. stretch out your lungs."
minho gently sat down next to the younger as tears poured from his eyes.
"shhh just breathe. come on. blow out the candles, baby." minho said, gently.
jisung did his best, but only ended up working himself up more.
minho quickly sat on top of the youngers hips and hovered over him.
"you're fine."
he gently placed jisungs hand on his chest, taking a deep breath and gently blowing onto jisungs face.
"just copy me. blow out the candles. the age is ten, blow out all ten candles for me." minho said.
they say there for thirty minutes as they blew out imaginary candles, calming jisung down.
minho quickly got off jisung and say him up, wiping the tears off his face.
"d-did you follow me here?" jisung asked.
minho nodded.
"we saw who you got a call from and decided it was best to follow you. i didn't want you doing anything to hurt yourself or panic alone like you just did." minho explained.
jisung simply nodded, staring off into space.
"what'd he say to you, honey?" minho asked.
"h-he said he was gonna find me." jisung whispered.
"before or after you left?"
"before. s-so i took a walk. and then he called me again, he noticed i sounded like i'd been crying a-and... he said since i want to act like a little girl, he'll treat m-me like one." jisungs eyes watered as he explained the calls to minho.
"what do you mean?"
jisung took a deep breath.
"h-he used to hit m-my mom. because she was a girl, and h-he'd hit her for not doing the things women should. s-so he's gonna find me, and he's gonna beat me like h-he did mom.. treat me like he treats women. who knows what else he'll do.."
minho sighed, knowing what jisung was implying at.
"he's not gonna get you, okay? he won't find us." minho reassured jisung.
"he's fucking crazy, min. you never know."
"i don't know, but i do know that he is never. ever gonna lay a hand on you for crying." minho said.
"n-no he's right.. m-men don't cry. men-"
"hey! no. don't talk like that jisung, you're out of that mind set remember? you've seen me cry, you've seen chan cry, you've seen hyunjin cry. does that make us low? does that define us as human beings?" minho asked.
jisung just shook his head.
"then the same goes for you, sungie. no one can make you feel less of who you are, just because you cried. i promise."
jisung just nodded as minho wiped stray tears off the boys face.
"thank you." jisung said.

"anything for my sungie."

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