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Zayn's heart was broken.

He had to put the distance between himself and Harry. He missed him wildly, the kids too but he couldn't be around him. The best thing he could do for himself was to try and detach himself from Harry and the life they shared together.

The whole thing came as a slap. Zayn was anticipating it but he still sort of hoped Harry would realise that Zayn was the love of his life and they were married and they were meant to be together. That it was just a bit of rebellion to make himself feel better, to perhaps piss Zayn off a bit too. Clearly, it wasn't anything like that and Zayn just tried to delude himself into thinking that Harry didn't simply get fed up with him and didn't leave him.

Zayn completely severed any contact with Harry. He went to New York and he didn't call him, didn't text him. Harry did try to reach out a few times, asking if he wanted to see the twins, that they should talk, but even that stopped after a few weeks. Zayn hated to disappoint Milo and Isla but what could he do? He loved them but Harry always treated them like his children, not their children. It was the truth, they were his children but Zayn noticed how since they were born Harry hated whenever Zayn compared anything they did to Amara or tried to give Harry advice on how to take care of them from his experience with her. He loved them and took care of them but he wasn't going to make his divorce with Harry even worse and even more painful by trying to get joint custody or something. He wasn't losing just Harry but also Milo and Isla but he could try staying in their life to an extent. A weekend a month wouldn't be the end of the world and many biological parents have measly arrangements like that and they manage just fine.

At the same time, he won't keep Harry from Amara. He had been in her life ever since she was a toddler, she considers him another one of her parents. Milo and Isla can forget about Zayn but Amara can't forget about Harry. She's in her rebellious teen phase, she would see Harry if she wanted to anyway because she has her own phone and her own pocket money, nothing would stop her at all. Zayn can be an asshole but he won't be cruel to his daughter, especially not knowing this could damage his own relationship with Amara. He came to London a few times covertly and met up with her, which Gigi wasn't extremely content with because she wanted him to either come back properly so she didn't have to stay with Harry when she was out of the country or not come back at all and she could start hating Zayn instead of Harry, her words. Zayn has to give it to her, she cares about Amara first and foremost and is ready to give up any petty fights for her well-being.

After a week-long binge of drinking and smoking, Zayn got a divorce lawyer and decided he was not going to fight Harry. It's not worth it because he realised if Harry was indeed trying to make him jealous, he would show this Leo guy off. He'd show up with him somewhere, he'd "accidentally" bring him around when Zayn was home or do something equally as petty. Instead, Harry completely hid him, and had it not been for Milo, Zayn would've found out about him at the same time as the rest of the world with some tasteful paparazzi photos and a press release. This was genuine which is why it hurt that much more.

It took Zayn until December to be ready to face Harry again. He talked to him when paparazzi ruined Harry's meticulous plans and he gave into whatever he wanted for the sake of the kids. But it's just before Christmas when Zayn can look at the man he loved for so long and act like his heart isn't completely shattered, with no chance of healing.

Zayn rings the doorbell. Harry's house is festively decorated and although he lets himself in with the code to the gate, he doesn't open the door himself because it feels wrong. He lived in this house for ten years and ringing the doorbell reminds him of times when they were young and foolish, and they might be the same fools as they used to be, but he hopes they'll handle everything better now.

Harry opens the door and he looks like a deer in headlights. Zayn is immediately transported to that time many, many years ago when he rang the doorbell just like this, Harry opened the door for him just like this and they broke off their engagement and said some of the cruelest things to each other they ever have. He sincerely hopes history won't repeat itself.

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