10 1 0

Y/n is 10 years old for what I can see for the kids ♥️🧡💛💚💙💜


The sky was a beautiful blue and the birds were chirping, the sun shining like always and there was a school filled with 4 graders (?) you were one of the top students everyone was happy for you even your parents, but there was one no not one but two kid in your class you liked.

Ms. J was taking attendance to start the day and get on with teaching. First there was,

Alice W. ✓ "here!" She said.

Blaire G. ✓ "here" she said.

Kayden A. ✓ "here" he said.

Lake T. But he wasn't there.

"Sorry Ms. J lake's a little late today" as he made a hand gesture "again" as the class giggled Lucas looked at you but you just rolled your eyes a looked away.

You didn't like the way Lucas treated his twin brother.

-sigh- "thank you Lucas" as the door opened Ms. J marked the poor kid late.

Lake T. X

As the classroom kept giggling, Lucas looked at his brother with a smirk and look away. Lake then walked in and the whole class started to laugh at him.

"Poor lake. . ." You said as you watch him walk to his seat by his evil brother. He then moved his hair out his face and look at the class then his brother with a mad face.

He then kicked his brother and you just kept looking at lake with hearts in your eyes.

-gasp- "Lake! Detention!" Ms. J said. Lake then looked at Ms. J as his brother Lucas look with shock, but then a smirked grin.

His parents were in the principal office as Ms. J told them what happened with lake. In the back lake was playing with his toy car with a mad face.

The next day

At recess Lucas was talking about his brother to his friends as you look at his with a sad face, you wanted to talk to him but whenever you did he just walk past you and Lucas he just hold your hand so he know when you walk away.

Lake was watching his brother and his friends plus you with glares. Lucas looked at lake and smirk (WHAT UP WITH THE SMIRKS MAN).

In class lake was writing something on the desk but you couldn't see it, Lucas then rolled his eyes and smiled.

"Ms. J!" As she looked at the boys and saw what lake had draw with the scissors. Lucas with a dead look and a cut on his neck.

She marked lake with a X and put a star by Lucas.

Lake T. X

Lucas T. ⭐

"Oops" Lucas said you look at him with a disappointed face but you still liked him (you like both of the twins but you just don't like when they fight)

"Ms. j!" As Lucas pointed to lake who was by the "do not enter" sign on the fence, he then looked at the sign then at his brother a Ms. J marking them both again.

Lake T. X

Lucas T. ⭐⭐

Then the whole class was laughing at lake as the teacher looked disappointed, but you didn't laugh you look sad and look away.

"Ms. J!"

"Ms. J!"

"Ms. J"

"Ms. J~"

Lake T. X

Lake T. X

Lake T. X

Lake T. X

Lucas ⭐⭐⭐

Lucas ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Lucas ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Lucas ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

X after x
Lake kept getting
⭐ After ⭐
Lucas kept getting

At the end of the day Lake walked out of class and started talking to himself.

"Stupid detention."
"Stupid Lucas."
"Stupid Ms. J-"

The boy then stopped when a foot caught his rock, he looked up and saw his brother who had a smirk and his toy red car.

"When did you!?" He then looked at his backpack.

"Give it back!" As he jumped at his brother as his brother moved out the way and said.

-chuckle- "ok? Come and get it~" he said as he walked to the "Do not enter" sign that was by the playground.

"Hey!" -ugh- as he ran after his brother

Meanwhile with you~ you were just walking when you heard them you wonder what they were doing so you followed them. (bad choice girl *jk*)

You saw them right by the fence by the Playground.

They were walking to the fence then

"We shouldn't be here" said lake while Lucas climbed the fence.

"What, scared~" he said in a mocking tone
Before he climbed more you then spoke.

"Lucas! Lake! What are you doing!?" They both looked at you "Y-Y/n!?" They both said with shock.

"Get down from there you're going to get hurt" Lucas just kept climbing, lake went after him and you did to (?).

The end?

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