Chapter seven The Demon Bar

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Jannett woke up with Jenny looking at her. "Jenny why are you looking at me like that?" Jenny said in a whisper tone "I heard everything you and Kyle's dad said. At that moment Kodar came back . Jenny had a look of spite in her eyes "I'm telling him about what you two said last night." Kodar teleported in front of and asked her "Ok what do i have to bribe you with not tell Kyle?" Jenny said "A new weapon will do the trick." Kodar slid a floor board out and bull a dusty shoes box out. "What's in the box ,honey?" Jannett asked suspiciously Kodar just said in a cocky way "A new toy for Jenny." he opened the box and it was full of pens."Really?" Jenny was disappointed until Kodar clicked one of the pens twice. It transformed into a grenade launcher. "They are all different types from swords to something that could end the world,with a press of a button.Pick anyone you want,just promise to only use it in emergencies." Jenny nodded a yes to him and picked one ,which has a high pitched frequency ,so it makes depth and or dizzy. "How many weapons do you have in the house darling ?" Kodar just "Enough."

At that moment the door knocked and Jenny said "I'll get it ." she ran up to the door and opened it slowly and looked up. "Oh HI, Bulk. Why are you here?" Bulk said "Uh I need to talk to Kyle about something. Is he awake yet or at all." Jenny told him to hop in with making an earthquake. Bulk waited for Jenny to get his ass up.
Jenny grabbed a blow horn and put it up to Kyle's ear ,and blew it to wake his ass up. "Ahh, WTF Jenny. What was that for?" Kyle somewhat screams at her. Jenny just pointed to the front of the house and said "Someone is here for you ." Kyle grabbed a shirt and walked out of the kitchen and said morning to his parents.

As he saw Bulk ,bulk pulled him out of his house . Kyle was shocked and said "Dude what's up, you look kind of nervous?" Bulk just had to blurt out "Pété said to most of the guys that we could be related to him , either as an uncle or cousin. And we need your help to figure it out. Because i don't want to be somehow related to everyone except for you." Kyle said "Uh can I get dress, I'm still in my Pajamas." Bulk said "No time your manjamas still looks better than anyone else dressed normally." Kyle went on an adventure and found out who's related to who.

After three hours of fear and crying,Kyle came back home where Limé and Cam were hanging out looking at photos of model boys. "Hey Cam." Cam went over to hug him "So Demon boy ,how was your day?" Kyle just asked Cam "Let me guess Limé told you everything ?" "Yep, and somehow your ground for two days for some unknown reason." Kyle told her non chantilly " Yea, and today I had to play Maury and say who's related to who with Bulk ,Fritz,Pété,Jason and Jess. You want the dirt on that story?" Cam was interested, but declined "I'd like to but I have to leave . Oh My and your sister plan for a beach trip on the seventh of june. Will you come?" Kyle told her yea and said goodbye. He sat on the couch next to Limé and she asked "Who's related to who ?" Kyle said " Bulk is the oncle of Pété and Jess. Pété and Jess are cousins. I feel bad for Bulk and Pété." Limé agreed with him .

Soon the saw their mother dressed up nicely "Wow mom you look nice, are you heading out tonight?" Jenny asked and their mother had a understandable reaction "Dah Jenny where did you pop out of?" Jenny said "Well after the gift I got from Kodar I was running around ,then i saw the car from that movie, where the car kills people. And I opened the trunk and saw a man tied up in it and I met the owner of the car. She told me why he was in there and I hung out with her for the rest of the day." Everyone was not that shocked by that.Kyle asked where his mom was going "Uh mom the town is trashed ,where are you going and are you going with my dad?" LImè asks the same thing to. "Well kids Kodar is going to introduce me to some of his old pals and his remaining family tonight, in the demonic realm." Their mother explained and Jenny asked the question "Can we come ?" Jannett said coldly "No it's spouse to be a date a grown up event so no." Jenny threaten to tell Kyle the truth "Hun we are taking the kids with us ." Kodar said from up the stairs ''Ok tell them to get dressed and to behave themselves." Kyle went up stairs and said to his sisters well come "Get dolled guys and hurry up. The girls ran up quickly and in ten minutes they came back dressed up. Kodar was wearing a vest and jeans with some dress shoes. "Ok you all look nice,and were are being driven, by Bav's wife and if you hear any noises from the truck ,don't ask any questions." They all understood and left the house Yamara walked up to them "Hello Kodar and Jenny?" Jenny said "That's the owner of the killer car. But she's nice." Jannett had to ask "I know I'm not spouse to ask but, is the body still breathing ?" Yamara said yes and introduced herself to the rest of his family and got in and drove off to the demonic realm.

After twenty minutes of driving Yamara got out first to let Jimo out of her trunk then let kodar and his family out. "Alright Kodar you can make rules for the kids, and we'll be in the usual part of the bar. See you in a few minutes." Yamara walked into the bar.
Kodar laid some ground rules for the kids "No alcohol. And you guys can eat anything from the bar . And don't behave like idiots or half of the people in the bar right now." "Loud and clear Step dad." Limè replied back to him. They walked in,and the atmosphere was like in a pub, somewhat friendly,but has an allure to only members. Someone threw a beer glass at them and Kodar caught it. "Ha Kodar,you're back with a family ?" Some burly man said from a large round table. "Navuk, still careless as ever, I see. Next time just greet me normally." Kodar gave the hint to Kyle to introduce himself, but Jenny did it for him "Hi I'm Jenny, the young man with Kodar is his son, my half brother, Kyle and the woman with brown hair is my mom and the blonde is my half sister Limé ." Kyle facepalmed "Uh Jenny I think ,I was the spouse to do that bit for myself. And Hello everyone, I'm Kyle." The demons just looked at him funny and started mumbling something in demonic. "Uh Kyle don't worry, they're just impressed by how much you look like your father." A begied hair woman said to him to semi comfort him. Kyle asked "uh excuse me,but may i ask who you are?" She smiled "I'm Kevin's mom." Kodar gave her a funny look "Ok Heather , how did you even concie, scenes your powers make you drain an opponent's soul and memories ?" Heather just told Kodar "I somehow found the only man ,who isn't affected by my power. Then I married him straight away." Kodar just laughed and the others were more friendly to Kyle and co. An Hour later a thud was heard twice in less than a minute. Yamara smiled as Heather and Kalmika gave her fifty dollars each. KOdar groned" let me guess you three made a bet with who and what was the purpose of it?" his older sister explained "You know my husband and how weak of a drinker he is and you know Heather over here should have more than one glass , so I made a bet with our sons , of who will tip over first. I said Zach would, Heather said her son would, yamara said both would but with a bit of a gap." Kyle was a bit horrified by that "So you all betted on them and you don't feel guilty about doing that ?" Bav explained to his nephew "Kyle demon culture,betting is normal and the less brutal thing we can do." "I may regret asking,but what other things do demons do that's normal ?" Jannett asked in a regretful tone. Every demon said to her "We don't want to say it in front of the iconcent ones here!" Kodar whispered to Jannett "That means the kids" ten minutes later Kevin came running over saying "nope." Heather held out her hand and got twenty bucks from Yamara and Kalmika . Jenny asked "What did all of you bet on this time?" Heather said in a mysterious tone "If you are a demon I'd tell you missie." Sliya walked in with another a bit older than her with a light blue tinted hair "Um me and blue are going to bring Zach home together and probably get ready for tomorrow, oh did any of you see Kevin run in here by any chance?" Kyle pointed to the restroom. Sliya grabbed Kevin out of there and they said goodbye to everyone.

As the night was drawing to an end, a fed up jesus came into the bar, thank god Kodar,Jannett,Kyle , Limè and Jenny left already. Bav looked at him "My brother already left,if you wanted to speak with him." Jesus said back to him in an angry tone "I've already spoken with you brother after he tried to kill Leronmon today." Kalmika asked "Ok you're normally here to either inform us of something or to help you deal with your conflicts with Stacey, So why are you here ?" Jesus took a deep breath before he explained his worries "Stacey is dating Kyle. Turns out Mauwu isn't the only god who doesn't know the word protection and I need two demons to train these other gods so they can catch up with the others in their patheon. Oh and Limaré has broken out of her little box." Bav asked the question "Are you going to kill Kyle and what the F+*k are we going to do about the one goddess that made my living family kill the majority here?" "Bav I'm not the asshole godparent like most of my colleagues. And I Don't know this,your ballpark guys." They planned for the kids to try to handle it and if they fail, they'll jump in. And Oringina volunteered as tribute, for help training the kids. And Bav called Kodar and agreed to train them with Oringina . Jesus pardoned himself from people he grew up with and left to work with his patheon.

Determination for the truth Book Two; The explanationWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt