13. Didn't Mean It... Right?

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BAILEY WOKE UP AGAIN, BUT THIS TIME SHE WASN'T IN A HOSPITAL BED(nor Rick's arms/car, sorry guys). She made a mental note to go over her surroundings before a spilting pain came to her head made her groan. She closed her eyes, hoping this was a dream, but groaned again when she realized it wasn't.

"Hey, hey, you okay?" Someone had asked.

"Rick?" Bailey's voice above a whisper.(Girl is WHIPPED)

"Rick?" Their voice was laced with disgust before clearing their throat.

"It's Yolanda." Yolanda looked at Bailey. "Are you okay?"

"Hmm yeah yeah I'm fine," Bailey reassured. "Just a headache."

"Okay." Yolanda averted her gaze.

The two sat in silence as Bailey looked around and realized she was at...

"How the hell did I get to school?" She had asked.

"Well you walked here then proceeded to sleep through all of biology(them being freshman in S1 will never sit right with me)," Yolanda played with her hands. "It was quite impressive."

"I see," Bailey hummed.

"Mr. Barhandton(i full on made this up) didn't even know we were friends, let alone in this class." Yolanda muttered.

"We're friends?" Bailey's eyes widened at Yolanda's words.

Yolanda gasped and averted her eyes.

"Well we go to the same school, we're part of a team and we're 'gonna save the world'." She played with her fingers. "It would be awkward if we weren't."

"Right," Bailey eyed her. "You're just making excuses, you enjoy my company obviously." She rolled her eyes, jokingly.

"Now that we're on the topic of friends, Beth said you invited someone to the JSA?" Yolanda asked. "The person that got you in the hospital, what were you thinking?"

"Nora's a good guy. She was just confused!" Bailey explained.

"She didn't seem confused when she attacked you..." Yolanda mumbled.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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