Ready to Impress

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"Sweet'eart!" Alex voice rang through your apartment. "I'm back."

You were just about to respond when another cramp hit you really hard and you just groaned with discomfort, clutching your arms desperately around your lower belly. "F-Fuck..." you muttered.

You heard him shuffle around, closing the door and setting something down, kicking off his boots and hanging up his jacket. Even though you couldn't see, you could precisely picture every move he made just from what you heard.

"Are yeh feelin' better, love?" He asked as he came around the corner, pouting when he saw you were still curled up on the sofa. He grabbed the fluffy blanket that hung over the back and spread it out over your lower half. "I'm sorreh" he said quietly. "I brought everehfin' yeh asked for though..."

Your eyes lit up and you placed your flat hand on the armrest of the sofa to push yourself up into a sitting position. "Pads?"

He nodded, turning to reach into the shopping bag he'd placed on the table. "Yes" he said, handing you the pack.

You sighed and stood up with a soft sigh of pain before kissing his cheek and taking the carton, heading slowly into the bathroom and closing the door behind yourself. You had recently gone of the pill and now your period was hitting you harder than it had ever since the beginning of puberty. And you'd thought after so many years of it, you'd experienced it all. Turns out, thirteen year old you's cramps had nothing on what you were feeling now. The blood wasn't even there yet but you also had worse cramps than ever before and a throbbing headache. Something you hadn't had in connection to your period ever before. Plus, you felt so sensitive that a tampon had only made your pain in your belly and lower back worse so you had reluctantly asked Alex to go to the store and get you some pads. Being the absolute gem he was, he'd gotten right to it.

"Yeh alrehyt, love?" He asked through the bathroom door.

"Yeah, I'll be right out" you assured him, having sat on the toilet for way longer than necessary, just thinking. You got rid of the tampon and fixed yourself up with a two pads to make sure you were all set, then fixing your clothes, washing your hands and coming out of the bathroom again.

"I also brought yeh sum snacks..." Alex said when you returned to the sofa, seeing all kinds of food spread out across the sofa table. "Whatever yeh're in the mood for."

You smiled softly, running your hand gently over his fuzzy head. "You're acting like I'm pregnant" you teased him but moved to kiss his forehead before sitting back down, leaning back to flatten your body and not give your uterus any more reason to cramp up than it already had. "At least I know I'd be all set for that."

Alex blushed, sitting down beside you. "Yeh can always count on meh, darlin'. No matter wha'."

"Thank you" you sighed happily, resting your head against his shoulder, letting your eyes wander over the food wrappers and bags. "I think I'm in the mood for some gobstoppers."

He grinned and reached out to open the pack for you, pouring some into your hand before popping a few into his own mouth. "Can never go wrong wif them" he declared, laughing at the crushing south the hard candy made as you both chewed them.

He never failed to cheer you up and you simply loved him so so much. "You're ... thank you so much for all this" you said again, wrapping your arms around his middle from the side and kissing his jaw.

"Yeh don't 'ave teh thank meh, darlin'."

"But you weren't planning to stay here with me all day" you pouted, now reaching for the bag of chocolate chip cookies. "You wanted to go meet the guys, practice..."

Burning Desire (Alex Turner smut one-shots)Where stories live. Discover now