Part 3 - Due Diligence

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Apologies for the late chapter, it's been a month since I've hardly found time between Duality and school life. Thankfully it shouldn't be As hard to write now. Either way, disclaimer stuff except that now this story is Mostly mine, except for certain concepts and the characters of course. I'll stop rambling now.

You find yourself running, legs pumping as you hear the rapid and heavy footsteps of a monster of sorts behind you

You look back but are only met with eyes, though calling them eyes is generous with them being only white dots in the void of darkness

You hear your heartbeat thumping hard in your ears as you turn a corner and enter an open doorway, shutting the door smoothly behind you

(You)"'What the hell is that?"'

You whisper to yourself, the footsteps ending right after the door

A laugh goes out from beyond the door before a pair of arms burst through the door and grab onto your neck, your breath quickly running out as your eyesight darkens

You jolt awake from the nightmare, the details already fading

(You)"The hell was that?!"

You yell out, breathing heavily as you feel your throat

(You)"Fucks Sake, why were those eyes so terrifying?"

You say with a sigh, getting up and checking the time

(You)"3 hours until work. Ugh"

You say, annoyed with how close you woke up to when your alarm would go off

You look around your meager apartment and see a stack of old books laying there

(You)"I haven't gone reading in way too long. Maybe not since high school even"

You say, leafing through the titles when you find something you forgot you had

(You)"Wait, a self defense book? This must have been given to me back when I was really into martial arts and such"

You mumble to yourself as you skim through it, old memories coming back as you remember the instructions in jiu-jitsu

You find yourself reading back through the book, the diagrams and lessons unusually interesting

Your alarm goes off hours later, your mind being pulled back into the real world as you sigh

(You)"Well that works better than I thought. I may take this with me just in case"

You say, packing up a drawstring bag with the essentials as you head out, getting to the office a good 20 minutes early and sitting down in the chair

(You)"I wonder what Fuckery I'll be dealing with tonight."

You mumble to yourself, getting settled in looking between the cameras and learning the names of all the rooms

The sudden and sharp sound of the phone ringing makes you jump, almost knocking you over as the machine answers itself

(Another situation of imma be writing my own call. Deal with it)

(Mairusu)"Hello? Hello hello? Hey good job making it to day two! You're not doing half bad! Now this may change however, as two new, lets call them Chaos elements, are going to be a problem. Marionette, or Mari as she prefers, doesn't like to be woken up late at night. She's not much of a night owl you see, and loves her music. Don't let her music stop and you'll be doing dandy. Music turns off? You're dead 98% of the time. The other element is a bit more simple. Give her the attention she want's and you won't be dealing with her, that said, Foxy is a quick thinker and a quicker runner. She's who want's your attention as much as you can offer, though it likely won't be enough. She's been missing the spotlight ever since she had her little incident. Do your best, watch the Marionettes music, and watch Foxy if you don't want to be killed in one of the best ways. See you in the morning"

One Man's Hell: A FNIA Fan StoryWhere stories live. Discover now