Chapter One: Blaze

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On the last story: "You really thought it was that easy?" Said Diego. Jayden kicked Winter down the cliff. Winter landed on his feet and saw IceCop. Winter was so mad and he decided to take it out on IceCop. Winter made himself another sword.
"What are you doing, you've already abused me enough." Said IceCop in fear. Winter punched IceCop's head off and stabbed him in the chest. IceCop rebuilt himself and kept fighting. Winter turned IceCop back into human.
IceCop took out a gun and pointed it at Winter. "No, please don't." Said Winter. IceCop shot him in the head and stomped on it. A man climbed up the cliff. "Who are you?" Asked Diego. "My name is Blaze." Said the man.
"My name is Adventure Kid, what are you doing here?" Said Diego. "Someone has messed with the multiverse and brought one of my villains to this universe, I have come here to save you." Answered Blaze. "And who is that villain." Asked Diego.
Blaze's eyes turned red and told Diego "The Seeker." IceCop was about to shoot himself with a gun until a portal appeared. The Seeker came out of the portal with a black and white box on his head with a creepy white face on it. Everything around IceCop went dark.
"Shit." Whispered IceCop. IceCop dropped the gun. He tried to pick it back up but couldn't find it. A little light appeared. "Dead man dead man come alive you'll come alive on the count of five!" Said The Seeker.
The Seeker started to countdown.
"Five" IceCop started freaking out and tried to escape the darkness. "Four." "Oh no, shit! Shit!" Said IceCop. "Three, two." "Fu- The Seeker shot multiple gunshots at IceCop and brutally killed him.
"But we need to be careful, his powers are illusions, portal opening, power consuming, teleportation and that would really make you live up to your Adventure Kid name." Said Blaze.
"What are your powers?" Asked Diego. "My powers are portal opening, flight, fire control, and telekinesis." Answered Blaze. "Oh wow that sounds si-" Said Diego. The Seeker pulled Diego off of the cliff. Jayden found a whip and jumped down. Jayden wrapped the whip around the cliff and started to go down. "Oh wow kid, you're really strong. Said The Seeker to Jayden. Jayden felt stronger as he went down. The seeker started whistling and snapped his fingers. When he snapped his fingers the cliff broke. Jayden started falling down with no safety. Blaze saw Jayden falling down. Blaze did hand motions and jumped down. Fire came out of Blaze's arms and he used it to fly. While he was flying down everything went dark. "Blaze, what's happening?" Asked Diego. "His illusions." Said Blaze. The Seeker started whistling but no one could see him. They could hear his footsteps and whistling getting closer. The Seeker jump scared Diego and screamed "Peekaboo!" Blaze shot fireballs at him and he broke his illusions. Blaze ran to The Seeker and grabbed him by the neck. "Leave us in peace or I'll unmask you." Said Blaze. "Never." Whispered The Seeker. The Seeker stabbed Blaze and pushed him away. The Seeker ran towards Diego. Blaze tried to stop The Seeker but he opened a portal and took Diego with him. Diego fell to the ground and instantly got up. The Seeker made Diego have a flashback of Jayden getting killed by The White Lightning. Diego got so scared and his eyes rolled back. Then Diego blacked out. Diego woke up in Adult Diego's multiverse. "What the hell?" Whispered Diego. Diego heard bombs in the distance. Diego turned to his right and saw Kevin. "You're alive!" Shouted Diego. Diego hugged Kevin and Kevin looked at him weird. "Yeah of course we both escaped the frozen time multiverse." Said Kevin confused. Kevin turned and saw something. "Oh no dude look who's coming." Said Kevin. Diego turned and saw "The Blu Bomber." Whispered Diego. The Blu Bomber started laughing  and flying towards them.

Adventure Kid 4: Revenge SeekerWhere stories live. Discover now