Chapter Three: Seekers

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"Give me the boy and I'll let you live." Said The Seeker. "Never." Answered Romeo. Everything turned black around Romeo. Romeo smiled at The Seeker and the illusion broke by itself. "Who the hell are you?" Asked The Seeker in fear. "You." "Aright let's go to Diego's multiverse." Said Kevin. They started flying to Diego's multiverse. Two big robots were fighting close to Adult Diego and Kevin. A meteor hit a robot and the robot flew towards them. The robot crashed into them and fell into Diego's multiverse. They landed on a waterfall.  "What were you filthy humans doing in portalworld." Said the robot. "Hey Alexa shut up." Said Kevin. The robot smacked Kevin onto the floor. "Don't mock me child." Said the robot. The robot put his foot on Kevins's head. "Kevin!" Shouted Adult Diego. Adult Diego jumped on the robot and knocked him down. "Your nothing but a weak powerless human." Said the robot. Adult Diego tried to shock the robot but it didn't work. The robot chocked Adult Diego against the wall. A marble came and hit the robot. The robot fell down the waterfall and let go of Adult Diego. "Dang one marble knocked you down! You're weak as hell! Oops." Said Kevin. "Holy crap kid you controlled them correctly!" Shouted Adult Diego. The other bigger robot landed on the cliff with them. "Where is he!?" Shouted the big robot. "Oh he's down there!" Said Kevin. Kevin used a marble to push him down. The other robot went down with him. "I'm right here!" Shouted the robot. "Why are you hiding, scared?" Asked the big robot. "The only thing scared here is  your face you! You filthy son of a bi-"Said the robot. The robot hit the big robot in the face. The punch was hard and loud. The big robot fell and Adult Diego threw him around with his lightning powers. "Alright that's enough we need to look for Diego!" Shouted Kevin. "Any last words?" Asked the robot. "No, just kill me already." Said The big robot. The robot put his foot on the big robot's head. "Goodbye." Whispered The Robot. Everything turned dark and vines came out of the darkness. "No!" Shouted The Robot. The Robot ran and the vines wrapped around his neck. "Oh you're fast, but not fast enough." Said the bigger robot. The bigger robot blew up and inside was The Seeker. "Y-y- you." Said The Robot while choking. "Oh yeah I'm the one who killed your people." Said The Seeker. The Robot lazer eyed The Seeker. The Lazers pushed The Seeker into The darkness and he disappeared. "Y-yes I killed him!"Said The Robot. The Robot smiled and tried to make the vines let go of him. The Vines chopped The Robot's head off. The Seeker started laughing at The Robot. "He actually thought I was dead! Such a dumbass!" Shouted The Seeker. In D'Angelo's multiverse The Blu Bomber was still alive there. "Well , I only have one portal bomb left but I need to find them." Thought the Blu Bomber. The Blu Bomber threw a portal bomb. The bomb opened a portal to Diego's multiverse. The Blu Bomber went in the portal and saw The Seeker. "Hey sir have you seen a kid and a man walking around here." Said The Blu Bomber. Everything went black. Adult Diego appeared as a kid. "Jayden no!" Shouted Adult Diego. The Snake King kidnapped Adult Diego's brother Jayden. The illusion ended and The Seeker body slammed The Blu Bomber into Water. The Seeker put a bomb in The Blu Bomber's mouth and left. The bomb blew up and the water turned red. "You traitor." Said The Seeker. "No, I'm not a traitor I was just dr*gged." Said Romeo. They both ilusssioned eachother at the same time. They fought in the illusion. The Seeker punched Romeo and pushed him down. In real life Romeo flung towards a tree.  Romeo broke the illusion and kept fighting in real life. Romeo started winning the fight and pushed The Seeker off a waterfall. Everyone started cheering up Romeo. "He's still not dead he can't die that easily." Said Blaze. "Then how do we kill him?" Asked Diego. "We can erase him out of existence." Answered Romeo. "How?" Asked Blaze. "You know DC and Marvel comics right?" Asked Romeo. "Yeah" answered Blaze. "In another multiverse we could also be stories, so we can make our author kill the seeker." Said Romeo. "I just need to find it in portalworld." Said Romeo. "Wait kid who's that behind you?" Asked Blaze. Diego turned around and saw Kevin. "Kevin!" Shouted Diego. "Hi Diego! The adult you told me I'm the marble master!" Said Kevin. "That's nice Kevin! But where is adult me?" Asked Diego.  Adult Diego came out of some bushes. "I thought you guys were dead!" Said Diego. "Yeah me too but, YOU ARE!" Said Adult Diego. Everything went black. Adult Diego's skin melted and The Seeker was under the skin. Diego punched The Seeker and his box broke. The Seeker ripped the box in half and jumpscared Diego. The Seekers face was filled with blood and he was missing a part of his head. Diego punched The Seeker. The Seeker pushed Diego and broke a hole in the illusion. Diego escaped the illusion through the hole. Diego was in a small cabin home. Vines broke through the walls and they wrapped around Diego. They stuck Diego to the wall and started choking Diego. A radio started playing "Santa Claus is Coming to Town." "What the hell?" Whispered Diego. The radio continued "He sees you when you're sleeping! He knows when you're awake. He knows where you are now! You are totally not safe! Ohh you better watch out! You better not cry! You better not pout I'm tellin' you why. The Seeker is gonna end your life!" "I'm dead." Thought Diego. Everything went black. The Seeker jumpscared Diego and stabbed his leg.  "I don't know where he's at I can't open a portal!" Shouted Romeo. "I'll control his body then." Said Adult Diego. Adult Diego blacked out. Adult Diego woke up in Diego's body. "My leg!" Shouted Adult Diego. Adult Diego used his Lightning powers and the illusion broke.  "It looks like a small cabin, and it's snowing outside." Thought Adult Diego. The vines unwrapped Adult Diego. "Did I just teleport?" Asked Diego. "No, Adult you took control of your body to see where you were at." Said Kevin. "Oh I was in a cabin home and there was a radio playing San-" Diego blacked out. Diego woke up in the cabin again. "I missed you." Said a voice in the shadows. The Seeker jumped out of the shadows and tackled Diego. Diego pushed The Seeker off of him. "Alright open the portal." Said Adult Diego. Romeo opened a portal. "IM GONNA F*CKING KILL YOU ALAVAREZ!" Screamed The Seeker. The Seeker ran to Diego and stabbed him in the leg. Diego fell on the ground. The Seeker jumped on Diego and started stabbing him repeatedly. "Your brothers next." Whispered The Seeker into Diego's ear. The Seeker got up and kicked Diego's body. The Seeker felt weird and then realized it was an illusion. The illusion broke and Romeo threw a punch at The Seeker.

Adventure Kid 4: Revenge SeekerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin