Kindergarten Boyfriends

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For the years of Bruces birthday parties the only person arrived. was, you guessed it. Vance Fucking Hopper. Bruce was the richest person in the kindergarten making him very popular, Vance was also very popular for his gorgeous golden curls but, he was supposedly stubborn, which made it tough for him to make friends. Bruce understood Vances tough behaviour and attitude and became friends with Vance rather quickly, everyone disliked Vance, Bruce wasn't anyone of them, He cared about Vance. But Vance didn't really care about him. All they had was each other and thats all they really needed, that was until they separated in 7th Grade.

During high school Vance and Bruce were in the same classes but never spoke, Vance started to smoke and Bruce was getting a good education. during science, they were the only ones left who didn't have partners which means they had to be in groups for a project and Vance and Bruce were the only ones without partners making them group up together.

"Hi." Vance looks at Bruce with angst
"Hello again, Vance." Bruce smiles at Vance and they continue to figure out how to make their project.
" have you been since..the 'breakup'?"
Bruce says and chuckles dryly, "I've been alright, you?" Vance replies back, chuckling softly making Bruce get flustered... "I-I've been fine...I see your golden curls are still perfect, as always."

Vance sighs deeply, "Well of course they are, I take care of 'myself' ya' know?" He uses air quotes. "Yea, yea..I've always been like that, messy, full of angst, creative, humorous, cute..-" Bruce pauses his sentence and stays quiet. "What was that?" Vance blushes lightly and looks at Bruce 'annoyed'. "N-Nothing." Bruce replies back. "No. say it again." Vance says eagerly wanting to know if what he heard was true. "I know you heard me! Im not going to say it again." Bruce says as the bell rings.

"alright..Hey do you want to come over and make the project at my place?" Vance says hoping for a yes. "No.-" Bruce says quickly "alright..-" Vance interrupts, "Let me finish, what I meant to say, 'No, lets go to my house.'" "Oh, Alright."

They go to Bruces house and get started with the project swiftly. "Woof..I need a drink.." Vance says "Alright I'll get drinks for us" Bruce goes to the kitchen and grabs two cans and some snacks. "Here." Bruce passes the snacks and can over "Thanks..." "No problem..Hey..", Bruce says. "Yeah?" Vance says in reply.
"Did you know people in kindergarten called us lovers..?"
End, sorry if it wasn't up to your standards, im just bored and made this for fun. :)

Edited it a bit :)
Please tell me how to do better pls and thx <3

469 Words.

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