Kindergarten Kisses

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"Did you know people called us lovers in kindergarten..?" Bruce says. "W-what..?" Vance replies blushing softly and slowly gets flustered..
"W-why-, H-How..did you know..? That was 12 years ago...we were children.." Vance questions and rambles on about 'not' being gay until Bruce finally spoke, "uh, so...long story short, Finney told me a story his dad told him about us..and we were...playing house when we were young and...we pretended to be dads and..we..k-K..-" Bruce pauses and gets flustered looking away, blushing. Vance looks at him with a concerned look. "What happened." "We k-kissed.." Bruce turns away from him, blushing majorly, and Vance freezes and blushes twice as hard as Bruce.

"W-We Ki-Kissed..?" Vance grins slightly and chuckles softly. Bruce stays still and blushes. "Yea..I guess we were each others first kiss...thats sort of relieving to be honest..." "Relieving? how?" "Well, im..sort of...Bi-Bisexual.." Bruce blurts out and covers his mouth.
"What..?" Vance looks at him with a small smile.
"I-, Nothing." Bruce looks at his watch. "It's getting late..I better go.." Vance says as he gets up to leave. "Wait." Bruce grabs his arm. "Stay the night?" Bruce asks Vance, Vance really didn't want to say no, plus, it was raining.

"Yea, sure, why not.." Vance said as he sits down on the floor. "You can sleep on the bed with me..if-if you want.." Bruce says and Vance Nods, leaving Bruce smiling happy. "Yay! Do you want to watch a movie?" Vance agrees and sits next to Bruce on his bed as Bruce chooses the movie. "Lets watch this!" Bruce puts on a pretty good quality horror movie and gets snacks whilst Vance turned off the lights. "This'll be good, Don't you hate horror?" Vance says teasing Bruce. "I hate every horror movie when im alone but, when im with you I tend to be alright.." Bruce says as he sits down next to Vance, meanwhile Vance tries to maintain focus to the movie without thinking of Bruce..

Bruce falls asleep in Vances arms during the movie and then Vance wakes him up "Hey! Sleepyhead, Get up!" Bruce groans as he wakes up. "Whaaat..?" Bruce rubs his eyes. "I need to tell you something." "Well? What is it..?" Bruce says half asleep. "You know, it's crazy we haven't talked with each other for a we're 'closer' than ever.." Vance says as he pulls Bruce closer to him, leaving Bruce flustered. "Y-Yea..Its nice.." "You know..I sort of like you..i've always liked fact..I love you." Vance leans in, looks at his lips as he goes closer and his lips touch Bruces. Suddenly, Bruce leans in and kisses Vance for a long period of time then pulls away.. "W-Wha-, H-How-, W-Wh.." Bruce stutters and Vance has enough and kisses him again and Bruce shuts up.

Then. Bruce wakes up with Vance clinging onto him in his sleep.
Well, I ended it with a cliffhanger. Enjoy! 😏

Please comment on what I can do better or to edit! Im desperate.

530 words!

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