On my way...

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You just woke up from a nap
and stare out the window.
You quickly take a look at the time while you jump out of your bed.
While putting on a big smile,
you run towards the mirror and say to yourself "today is the day" you smile even more. You quickly take a shower while putting nice but comfy clothes on.
You check if you have everything with you. While you close your suitcases you quickly take a peek at the time and see it was almost time to leave.
You shout out your sister's name and call your parents at the same time. It was quite for a moment until you hear someone run down the stairs. It was your sister, Stacy.
You stand there with open arms waiting for a hug from her. While she hugs you tightly you ask were mom and dad were. She answers that they were on their way.

*skip time*

Mom: " are you sure you'll be fine on your own? "
You: " yes mom!" You say loud and proud, but inside your not sure at all.
While you hug Stacy, dad and mom, you see mom starting to tear up.
You give your last kiss to everyone, turn around and go inside the airport. You start to tear up a bit.
As you wipe your tears away
You say to your self once again.
" today is the day" while you start to smile a bit. " today is the day you meet your hero" you say proudly.

You get on the plane with a big smile
as you think about what's going to happen over there...and you slowly fall a sleep. Deep sleep.

The love of your life ❤️             - a Markiplier fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now