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Your P.O.V
I tell Mark that I still have to take care of something and leave to the bathroom
As I am on my way I call Autumn " OMG I JUST MET MARK AND IM GOING TO HIS PLACE!!!" I screamed.
I heard someone knock and say "excuse me miss. Are you alright? " " uh, yeah... Sorry for being so loud." I apologised. "No problem" she replied. I continued talking and talking, like I could talk with her for hours. I was so happy for having a friend like her. She would always be proud of me or be happy for me. No matter what. Then I hear Mark ask if I was okay. "Yes Mark, I just uhhm I'm coming." I answered. "okay, but hurry up because they are almost closing." He said. I hung up quickly and I came out of the bathroom, calling Marks name a few time. I finally hear an answer. " yes I'm out here" he said. I smiled.
We finally left, it was really quite in the car.
I said thank you ones more for being able to stay at his place. "You don't need to thank me!" Said Mark. "Of course I do! I mean you just...like I don't know it's just sooo ... just thank you Mark..." I said. Mark smiled and looked at me. he stared at me actually. I pretended that I didn't see that. he saw that I started to blush and giggled (Mark giggles sometimes right? Idk... Back to the story.)
When we arrived we looked at each other.
It felt like we could do this FOREVER!
While his head getting a bit closer to mine, I get a call from...Autumn? I hung up, going back to where i was. I hear my phone ring again. I excuse myself, and get out of the car and pick up the phone.
Autumn: " girl, what's up, why did you hung up on me so quickly? Are you okay?"
You: "Autumn, yes, I'm fine... I was about to do something with Mark!! "
Autumn: "come on y/n why are you being so rude when I was worried about you!"
You: "sorry, I was just... I'm tired...
Autumn: "it's okay, now, go get some rest! You'll need it! "
You: "thanks Autumn! I'm very sorry again!"

I hang up. and smile. I go to the door of Marks apartment, there he was waiting for me to come in. I enter.
"Nice!" I say while he smiles.
" okay you can sleep in the guest bedroom." Mark says. I nod.
Mark gets the room ready so I can sleep in it.

*time skip a bit*

The room was ready and I started to undress.
I feel a arm on my shoulder making me jump.
I turn around while he quickly kisses me.
I just.. I have nothing to say... :)
He gently pushes me making me fall on the bed.
There he kisses me passionately. I take his shirt off, there we are... Kissing...

UNTIL I hear the door open,
And there stand Bob and Wade screaming:
"Surprise Mark we came early an--...."
Mark jumps off of me and I cover myself with the covers. It was silent a for a while.
We all stared at each other,
Not saying a word.

And also go follow my friend (or my best friend in the story) Autumn SHE IS AN AMAZING RIGHTER ALSO WITH AN MARKIPLIER FANFICTION GO CHECK HER OUT
---> Markiplierr

The love of your life ❤️             - a Markiplier fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now