maccie d's

28 1 0

Y/ns pov

We entered a jewelry shop , I looked around. It was nice

" I got yasmine a charm bracelet here" demetri explained " plus a charm for every fight we have. She can barely lift her arm now"

" are you flexing how many arguments youve had? " I said with a raised eyebrow

" w-well no I--"

" dont argue. Just explain again why I have to buy sam expensive jewelry. Mabye shes fine and you guys are reading to deep into it . " miguel exclaimed

" my friend, this is a five alarm fire , if anything we arnt reading into enough. " demetri replied

" can I help you find something?" The lady at the counter asked

" uhm yes , I'm just looking at something special for my girlfriend " miguel replied, the lady looked at me . I shook my head

" that's so sweet !" She exclaimed " is it a birthday or an anniversary?"

" he left the country without telling her during one of the biggest karate fights of her life " demetri explained

" that's.. a new one" said the woman " how bout a nice pair of earrings?"

" how much is that?" Miguel asked pointing to an octopus necklace

" the octopus " she picked it up and handed it to him

" its perfect " he sighed out " I dont think I'll be able to afford it."

" Actually it's been reduced " I smiled at miguel

" reduced?" he smiled " great, how much ?"

" after tax , 185 dollars?"

Miguel sighed

" do you mabye have one with less tentacles?" Asked hawk.

I smacked his arm like it was the dumbest question I had ever heard, because it was

" no that's not how jewelry works" I sighed " however" I pulled out my purse

" no y/n you dont have to" miguel insisted

" dude, I'm a larusso. I could afford a house if I wanted one" I scoffed . The woman taped my shoulder

" I'm sorry, your a larusso, as in larusso autos ?" She asked , I nodded " oh my goodness, uhm . Your dad changed my life . He gave me a free car so I could drive my kids to school . I owe your family the world. Take it . It's on the house"

" oh , really ?" I asked , she nodded

We thanked her and left

" oh my God " eli said " your last name holds so much power! Mabye If we get married I'll take your name instead " I laughed

" yeah, I like Moskowitz better. But we will cross that bridge when we come to it" I chuckled

" guys" miguel piped up " I'm gonna go, I need to talk to someone about this. And dont worry, its not sam"

" ok, see you later " I waved , he ran off

" so. Anyone up for some lunch?" Asked demetri, hawk agreed the we walked to the local McDonald's and ordered our food

Demetri was having a wrap and a fanta

Eli was having a quarter pounder with fries and a chocolate milkshake

I was just having some fries and sharing the milkshake with eli.

We sat down and waited for our food to arrive , eli and demetri chatted while the smell of food filled my nose. I felt off about eating, again . Eli had been keeping a journal of what I eat. He wants to take care of me but having this need to eat a certain amount of food each day is really hard. Given I dont feel like it at alot of the time

Suddenly the food arrived, the guys thanked the waitress and eli handed me my fries

" cmon baby" he said " eat up"

" yeah just one second " I looked at my phone

The girls💞

Y/n, we are gonna
Hang at the water park
Tommorow wanna come?

Of course!But, might
I add , miguel and eli
Are gonna be there cos
Demetri is at work

That's fine, dont worry
About it

I placed my phone on the table , eli was watching me as I picked up a chip

My hand was shaking and just as I was about to put in my mouth I slammed my hand down on the table

" I- I- i need to go" just as i was about to get up eli grabbed my wrist

" baby" he said almost sternly making me quiver slightly

" I know you want to keep me safe and healthy and I love you for that, so much . But please don't force me to eat anymore, I'm not in the mood" I said

" are you sure?" He asked, I nodded " ok. Then just sit with us. I wont force you to do anything you donr want to"

I smiled and sat down letting him wrap an arm around me and me lean my head in his shoulder. I couldn't wait to hang out with the girls again

hawk ( eli) x y/n Where stories live. Discover now