part 1

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Trigger warning: (swearing if there something i missed tell me)
( there's probably bad grammar)

Dream pov

ugh i said chill dream what happened? nothing sapnap i just didn't pay attention in class and if i get a bad grade there going to call my parents. damn good luck with that dream.
i just roll my eyes at sapnap. Hey guys what's up said skeppy from behind us
nothing much skeppy im just trying to figure out how im goin to get the notes that i was supposed to take in class and its supposed to help me on the test that i have on Friday. damn good luck finding someone to give you the notes. oh thanks skeppy you are so helpful. yeah i know dream im so helpful.

Hey guys why don't we just ask the one of the nerds sapnap said yeah that's a good idea sapnap least ask olivia! who is olivia dream? really skeppy you don't know who's Olivia look she is Olivia i said pointing to Olivia one of the nerds in my class. mmm.. I don't think her name is Olivia dream. What are you taking about skeppy her name is Olivia i think.

Let me just ask her to pass me the notes
What ever you say dream. Yeah yeah skeppy.

I approached Olivia and said hey oh hi dream she said so i was wondering if you could pass me the notes we were taking in class. Mmmm let me think about it no dream this time you are not going to trick me bye. I stood there in shock i never have been said no they always say yes what's happening?

So dream sapnap said with a huge smirk before he could say something i said shut up sapnap i don't want to hear it that's when i see someone running through the hallway it's a boy with black ripped jeans and a blue hoodie with messy hair and i saw how he approached his friends running out of breath with all the running.

That's When i see Olivia approaching the group and said hey George do you want me to pass you the notes we took in class he responded with a yes and thank you kim. What the fuck her name is kim and she pass this dude the notes from the class that i ask for? like what the fuck.

damn dream skeppy said. i told you that wasn't her named what did you call her oh yeah Olivia oh shut up skeppy. oh and it looks like she's passing the notes to someone when you ask her if she could of pass you the notes and said no. Stop it sapnap and i don't want to hear it.

George pov

I was running late to school my stupid alarm didn't went off again ugh i just missed one class already well not bad okay okay focused i need to get ready i grab some black ripped jeans and white shirt and grab a blue over size hoodie and after that i went to the bathroom to but water in my face to wake me up more and brush my teeth i look at the time i don't have time to brush my hair ill just go with my messy hair i grab my backpack and my keys and went running to school.

When i got to school i have to pass through the office so they can give me a tardy pass after i went to get my pass and explain why i was late even though the lady look pissed but whatever i went running through the hallways and saw my friends there so i slow down and went with them the cool thing is our locker are close to each other.

Hey bad hey karl i said out of breath hello George they said. so you over sleep again George didn't you said bad. okay yes i did but be great full i did came. Okay you muffin head im glad you did came Hey George what's up with the messy hair said karl with a giggle. Karl i don't want to talk about it okay.

That's when kim came up to me and ask me if i wanted the notes that she took in class since i have her in that class i said yes she pass me the notes and told me to give it to her tomorrow.

(lest skip to lunch)

finally its lunch time i was so bored in that class i was in went to my locker where i see bad and karl i went up to them hey guys hey George said bad and Karl after some time we went to lunch. bad and karl went to grab food after that we went to our spot it was out side behind a tree i sit down and lean over the tree and close my eye i was hearing bad and karl taking about the homework i just wanted to relax.

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