Awaken ❌

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💚If you want to know about this chapter first you need to read Characters & Prologue. Otherwise you can't able to join the dots.❤️




Hi my name is Nanon Korapat kirdapan. I am a famous Archaeologist. I am not praising myself but I am famous it's not my fault. Actually I don't know why I choose this profession but from childhood I always dreamed about ancient things like a Palace and a prince but everything was blurry. I can't a able to see clear. My father is a well known Business Man he always want me to be a Business Man like him. But I didn't feel any interesting in it. So that's why I choose this profession he always told me that I will gain nothing in it. But see I proved him wrong now I am a very famous Archaeologist.

Today me and my whole department are discussing about some Reva forest. I don't know why but I am feeling very familiar with Reva forest.

"So guys today we are going to Reva forest. Searching for some ancient things but we have to be careful because something is off there" said Mike our department instructor.

"But Sir we heard that in Reva forest there was a werewolf statue who got cursed by a prince of Reva Dynasty is it true. That's means that forest is dangerous" Said my friend Louis he always believed in supernatural things stupid.

"Louis this all are rumours maybe spread by some thugs who do illegal things on that forest to protect their black work. Who knows if we go there maybe we can find something new ancient things or valuable old thing's" Mike said while looking towards us hoping that we also don't have any stupid questions like this idiot.

"You are right end of discussion now. Let's leave towards our destination hurry up guys" said Jimmy my new colleague. I don't know why he always try to stick with me. Did I tell that whenever he came close to me I can feel his coldness his whole body is cold like an ice.

"So come on guys hurry straight to our bus" said Mike while walking out of the office. We are also tailing him from behind.
We all got into the bus I don't why I am feeling so weird today. I should be excited because I am going to explore a mysterious forest but. *Sigh*


Soon we reached towards our destination. The dangerous Reva forest. It's looking really creepy I am getting Chills now. Nevermind let's start our work.

We all are searching for some ancient things but suddenly we found an ancient Palace which got damaged badly. It's looks like that it can be break anytime.

But I don't know why it's feels like Deja Vu. It's the same Palace from my dreams. *Sigh* maybe I am hallucinating whatever.

We all run towards him and got shocked to see a huge twenty feet's statue of an werewolf.

"OH MY GOD WE DID A GREAT SEARCH. OK GUYS WE GOT A GOOD THING. NOW WE SHOULD LOOK FOR MORE" Mike said encouraging us to do more. Everyone is admiring that statue from far. But I don't know why this statue is pulling me towards it strange isn't it.

I am going to touch the statue but suddenly Jimmy held my hand firmly and said "Don't touch it's dirty otherwise your hands will also get dusty. Leave and come with me we have to find more" he started to drag me away from that statue.

We are all searching for more but we all got freaked out there were so many Human skeletons were laying down everywhere. It's almost got late so Mike decided that we all are gonna stay here tonight. We all are making our tents with our partners. And I got Louis as my partner broken fate.


We all are sleeping peacefully in our tents but suddenly I heard that someone calling me outside. I don't know why but I'm walking towards the sound. I lost my all senses I just want to reach towards the sound.

"PRINCE DAN COME TO ME. I WANT YOU COME TO ME MY DAN" that deep voice is making me hypnotize without my knowing I reached towards that Old Palace. Right now I am front of that huge werewolf statue. His eyes were red it's looking so dangerous but suddenly I came to my senses. What the hell I am doing here it's not giving me good vibes. When I started to back away from statue suddenly a black shadow pulled my right leg forward.
I fell on that statue and suddenly the ground start shaking and not to mention the dangerous thundering sounds. Which caused a great havoc I am also loosing my balance by an earthquake.

I look up and see that the statue starts cracking up. What the hell what's happening with the all thoughts I started backing away from it.

Oh my God the statue got broke and a werewolf came out with a loud roar.
He is looking so dangerous my whole body starts shaking in fear. When he starts approaching me with his red eyes and sharp claws.
I don't know what to do now he was going to kill me. Oh God idiot run I started to running away from him he was chasing me angrily.

Soon I reached towards the dark forest. Oh God how much do I have to run more. Did I wake that Monster my heart was beating so fast. I got lack of oxygen my whole body is shaking from fear. Oh no he is coming towards me. I started running towards a huge tree I hide behind it. He is growling very badly searching for me I am breathing very heavily so
I clamped my mouth with my palms.

After waiting for two minutes I didn't heard any voice so I slowly peeks behind the huge tree. But suddenly I heard a growl behind me when I turned behind that Monster is standing there with his red eyes. My breath got hitched.

"Nooo" I shouted loudly my vision starts getting blurry. I am going to fell down but suddenly he catched me before I touched the ground. I can feel he was carrying me in bridal style taking me somewhere and my vision got blank.

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