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It had been two hours or more since the first Raptors had descended into the grotto. Jiang Cheng was feeling uncharacteristically antsy. Worry marred his forehead as he turned to Lan Xichen. "A'Huan?' The wealth of emotion in the unspoken question caught at Lan Xichen's heart. His Didi was in there, as was A'Ying. This was the first time Lan Xichen had seen Jiang Cheng's concern for Wei Ying without his usual mask of anger and contempt. Jiang Cheng, at this moment, was just a brother, not Clan Leader Jiang.

Gently clasping Jiang Cheng's hand, Lan Xichen's smiled."They are both fine, I checked this morning Heart!" he tacked on, just for the pleasure of seeing his spouse blush. And blush he did, both from the endearment and in outrage! "And you didn't think it necessary to let me know that A-Xian,.... and Hanguang Jun," he added belatedly, "were fine?" He pulled out of Lan Xichen's clasp and stopped a few feet away.

Lan Xichen was about to follow him when a gentle voice said, "Let him stew for a few minutes." When Lan Xichen raised a brow in inquiry, Nie Huaisang said, "You have been a good influence on A'Cheng, Zewu Jun." The Chief Cultivator's use of his title was significant.

Lan Xichen held his peace, allowing Nie Huaisang to continue. "After A'Ying was forced to sail away from Lotus Pier, there was no one strong enough to defend Jiang Fengmian and Madam Yu against the Wen's attack. A'Ying ensured that A'Jie and A'Cheng survived. The loss of Lotus Pier, his parents, Yanli Jie, all dealt a severe blow to the relationship between A'Ying and A'Cheng. A'Cheng's discovery that A'Ying had given him his golden core was the last straw!"

"His mistaken anger and contempt at A'Ying turned inwards and, much like Hanguang Jun, A'Cheng lived alone, unloved by all, unloving towards all; except for Jin Ling."

"This then, is an opportunity today, for him to give back to A'Ying," Lan Xichen concluded. He acknowledged Nie Huaisang's foresightedness with a pat on his shoulder.

Nie Huaisang smiled and unfurled his fan. "Team Cloud Recesses!" He called them to attention. "We have seen raptors going into the adits and just a few minutes ago, the DaNi Marines have submerged." Nie Huaisang's sharp eyes had not missed the substantial rise in the water level at the mouth of the Grotto. "My guess is the Prince is on his way out, as are the miners. We must try to contact A'Ying and Hanguang Jun."

Liebing* made an appearance and a few notes trilled into the quiet sunny day. Jiang Cheng dashed back to Lan Xichen's side and after few minutes of silent agitation, blurted, "I have to enter the Grotto! I can feel it, A'Xian needs me!"

Thanks to his talk with Nie Huaisang, Lan Xichen was prepared and smiled reassuringly at Jiang Cheng. "Indeed you must, we know Zidian is vital in facing the Gryphon, my Heart. However, A'Sang will tell us the best time to enter." Jiang Cheng huffed in acknowledgement and went over to the Lan disciples huddled behind some huge rocks.

Lori's senses were attuned to tracking the progress of Linghun Qiezei. "He's about three Li away." At Wei Ying's look of surprise, she continued, "He trusts no one. He hides in his lair, a labyrinth that no one dares to enter, in the heart of the mountain."

"That gives us a few minutes. The miners will be taken care of, Jie."

"Indeed, the Medivac and Advance team birds have evacuated all the injured already."

"The DaNi are carrying the able-bodied away."

"Hanguang Jun?" Lori's voice was worried.

"He is coming to us, and the Prince is safe."

"Oh, thank God! I don't know how I'd ever face the Princess if... never mind!" Lori heaved a sigh of relief.

"Wei Ying!" That beloved voice sounded agitated.

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