It got later in the evening when they realised that they have not ate anything. So of course they went to the freezer and pulled out some eggos. None of them were that hungry so that got two out to share. As it was still a school night they did not want to go to bed late so they ate and got in pjs. For some reason Mike always keeps pjs in his bag just in case he ends up going somewhere so that's what he wore. Even tho they were making out every two seconds they decided that mike was going to sleep on the floor and el was going to sleep in her bed as they both knew hopper would kill mike.

When it was the later that night they said goodnight with a kiss on the cheek. "I love you" Mike said to el as he was already starting to fall asleep. El leaned over her bed and looked down on the floor to see mike zoned out already asleep. She leaned Dow and kissed his forehead. " I love you too Mike." And with that she rolled over and they both are asleep by 10:00.

It was the next day at school and they knew not to say anything about having a sleepover the previous night because all their friends would be the first one to tease them and joke around, so they kept things on the low side of things. Today mike and el showed up to class and Lucas said to mike "no more skipping class to swap spit ok" and max said the same thing to el. They both said fine and for the whole day they did not leave their friend group once even at break. "What's up with you two live burlesque today" max said to the two of them. " nothing why" el said looking confused. "You guys have stayed with us the whole day not once going to your spot." Lucas and max said. "Oh well we have been with each other all day and we have stilled kissed just not as much." Mike said to lumax with them not following. Yeah but your routine.." max said as she got cut off. "Fine we will tell you if yo are so desperate to know." Mike said annoyed as he looked at them both with smiles. "We have decided that we are gonna save all of our things that we do at our spot until after school so we do not get caught and we can still focus on school." El and mike saying a bit one by one.

"Ok" "well I am happy that you have done that but let's see how long it will last shall we" max said as she started to laugh. And just so that Mike and el could prove them wrong they wanted to try to make it last the longest they have ever gone with out making out.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2022 ⏰

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