how it all began.

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Hello! my name is mya, but people call me sobi, haru, or mya, I have 3 names.. but that's not the point! After awhile I met this person named frumpy, we'll call him frump to continue the story.. so we played this game together and.. we were having alot of fun, my cousin MAIKAI was there too! me and my cousin would always play together 24/7, we would laugh, mess around... and other things, we bumped into them, us 3 were all friends! Frump was the one who made us 2 laugh and joke around, we would scream whenever we died to someone... I would write really long paragraphs to myself whenever something good happened, my life has been never this good before, it was strange because we both thought he wouldn't leave.

After a week later we started to meet new people that were also funny, They were named Curtis, and spoyed! We met in this one game in the map haven I think, we would always hangout with each other, but that time my mic was really low and no one would hear me..barley, I didn't know how to fix it until this one time, this FIRST time my mic was good. when Curtis or spoyed wasn't on we would just like do our trio again and just play games with each other. Later on in the day, I started to notice that Curtis was..a bit obvious of his feelings, I noticed that he was being nice to me and he was rude to maikai, to be honest.. I found it really funny, I would laugh and whenever Curtis couldn't hear me he would always try turning me up, and he went silent for a second.. "sobi.. I don't think he heard you" Maikai told me and I was a bit scared to repeat myself so I didn't say anything until he told me to, "hello..?" I speaked a bit shy but he went silent again, I was guessing he might like my voice or he just couldn't hear me.

After awhile later in the weeks after we all became friends, frump, Curtis, and spoyed would flirt with each other, and me and maikai would just standing there sitting on our chairs listening to them speak, and we would always make comments about how they would act around each other...

me and him♡Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt