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Turning towards John, I keep my position firm, his eyes fix on me like a wolf on its prey. I won't dare let him know, that deep down, I'm terrified of finding out what happened to Freddie.

Pulling a toothpick out of his pocket, he positions it between his lips and fastens his cap, "glad you're up, we've got a busy day ahead of us."

I raise an eyebrow, "busy day? I was about to leave."

Mocking my confusion, both brothers start laughing. "You do know how to pick 'em, John boy. " Arthur slaps his little brother in the back before he goes downstairs. 

"Really," John answers before giving me a diabolical smile.

Charging towards him I stop two inches from his face, "you won't keep me cooped up like an animal in your house John!"

With little to no effort, he tosses me on his shoulder and brings me to the bathroom. "Take a bath, your filthy. I can't have you filthy for later."In spite of my protest, he places me down, and slams the door on his way out.

I stop for a moment, full of disbelief about the range of events that have taken place over the last few days.

Never in a million years would I have expected something as crazy as this to happen.

He expects me to obey like a good little girl?
I don't think so.
I jiggle the knob before realizing its locked.

"Unlock this door! Immediately! " I demand, slamming my fist against the cracked wood.

He kicks back, causing the door to shake, "ten minutes, that's all you bloody have!"

Facing the rusty tub, eyes full of tears, I try to imagine what my life was like before I came across the Peaky Blinders.
The many years I spent carelessly, doing what I wanted whenever I wanted. Not looking back at each step I took was a privilege I didn't know I had.
My mother was never okay with me hanging out with a Shelby and now I know why.

Johnny knew my mother for a good year before she passed away. He was always at our house, trying to help the best he could.
He told her on various occasions that I was his future wife, and mother to his children, and he'd made sure to look after me. But none of it really mattered, because she saw beyond the gentlemen he claimed to be.
It was when her illness took over that he dug his claws into me. Telling me who, what, when, where and why. Questioning my every move.
By the time she passed, I was too far into our relationship to realize, he was manipulating me.

That's until Freddie came along. He noticed me working at the Garrison one night and paid me a compliment. After that we were locked in a special bond most people could only dream of having.
We tried to keep it a secret, but John had me followed by men I've never even heard of.
There were several times one of his gang members attempted to kill Freddie, but he always made it out alive.

I hope this time is the same.

Running the water, I sink into the bathtub, and place my feet on the edge.
Suds from the washcloth trickle down my arms and into the hot water.
I breathe deeply and exhale, anxiety still grasps my chest.

Not long after I wash my hair there's a knock on the door.

I sink further into the water.

"You almost ready?" John calls from behind the door.
"For what?" I question, completely unaware of what events lie ahead of me.

"For us," he unlocks the door and bursts in with a devilish grin smeared across his face.

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