Chapter 2

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I am so happy my mother finally convinced my father to let me attend a new school called Golden Gate School.

Let me tell you a little about myself and my family.

My name is Xavier Lincoln, the only child of the Lincoln family. I am not that tall but my mother told me once I get to my twenties I am going to be taller than this and I still haven't gotten a crush, normally everyone always gets a crush or a girlfriend at this stage I am in.

My family is well recognized by the public but he dislikes me so much saying I don't act like a man at my present age.

He kept bragging to my mom about what he did at my age but I kept trying my best and none is good enough.

I had to start acting to outsiders that I am from a normal home not letting anyone know I am from the popular Lincoln home.

My mom is the best gift I have, she never condemns me and she secretly encourages me to do whatever makes me happy and what makes me happy is writing poems and music.

My father doesn't even want to hear with his ears that his son is into music or poem writing, he wants me to take over his company and estate as well so he deals with me everything I failed my exams in school.

My mother drove me to school and wished me good luck on my first day. The school is beautiful, I just hope I get to make my father proud by focusing more and focusing less on what makes me happy.

We were all welcomed in a hall by the principal and all. For the very first time I liked that opposite sex, she introduced herself as Aubrey while she showed us around.

Her smile made me feel an like ocean has consumed me and I am still able to breathe with her as my air, I was obedient to following her path but she can't take note of me because I am just a fresher and with the look of things, she probably is senior to me in both age and class, but do that matter in this present age? I doubt it.

I finally got an opportunity to approach her and it was so obvious the school is not in my favor today, the bell sounded meaning time to begin class.

The class was interesting and I tried my best to listen attentively to the teacher but recalling the smile of Aubrey made me distracted for a moment.

My first day at school is over, time to go home, I don't feel like going home knowing I have an angry father to meet to ruin my mood, I looked for a place to sit, and brought out my note and pen to write a poem.

I begin with," Her Smile" then unexpectedly some rough-looking boys that are my seniors took the note from me, "We got a lover boy as a first timer."

"Hey give it back," I yelled but they mocked me.

"Now, you are going to run an errand for us after school and be our dog."

"I can never be your dog." I made my point but in seconds I found myself on the floor getting bullied by them and I held myself not to cry because if my father heard I cried, he is going to call me a woman.

Luckily for me, Amber came to rescue me and I was mesmerized seeing a female taking out three guys, she then stretches her hands to me with her beautiful smile and I gave them to her but one of the silly boys came from nowhere and hit Amber on her head with the plank and the smile faded away with blood flowing from her head down, she fell.

"Oh no, Aubrey wakes up, wake up please." I begged her then the boys came again, "Time for you to join her, and then we make it look like a junior beat us his senior because she refuses to kiss him." They laughed.

My blood started boiling and I got strength flowing in my veins like I was superman and held the hand of the one that wanted to hit me twisting it and I picked up the plank and hit them all as they ran away bleeding.

"Amber, Amber, I will take you to a nearby clinic." Luckily my mom came in and we rushed her to the hospital the nurses took her in with a stretcher.

"What happened to her son? I know you can't hurt a fly." My mom Inquired from me and I explained everything that took place and when my father heard, he was proud of me for defeating the boys.

The doctor came with good news saying Aubrey is fine and just needed to rest for a few days and then she will be up on her feet.

I begged mom to miss some days at school so I can look after Aubrey.

For the first time in my life, I wanted to give my best to look after someone, I caress her hair at times and say some poems to her.

I was sleeping close to her that night when I heard her voice, "Hey, newbie, have you been watching over me?"

"You are awake, how are you feeling?"

"I feel good, it's like a movie, getting hit unexpectedly, I hope you didn't let them go scot-free?" She asked laughing and I was happily telling her what I did in return to the boys and she hailed me.

"What is your name?"


"Call me Aubrey but be respectful to me because I am senior to you both in age and class."

"Sure, I won't forget that." She smiled and I felt my heart feel joyful.

"I am so hungry, can you get me some instant noodles?"

"Yes, I will get it immediately."  I exited the place rushing with excitement to get her what she requested.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2022 ⏰

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