14. Bi+ch beaten

395 35 5

Six years later, you reached an age where Leonardo DiCaprio breaks up with his girlfriend. Yes, you thought I right.

Age: 25

With a receiver in hand and other turning the steering wheel you accelerated the cop car at maximum.

"I repeat. The guy in black is taking right turn. Block him at the next intersection- Oh shi-"

The right side of this british car got crushed in so did your right hand broke into fracture. Using both hands you spinned the wheel, hardly managing to dodge the truck in front.

The body was injured, covered in red and bruises. With heavy breathing you looked in the side mirror, glancing at the truck in back. What a relief! Atleast you weren't an end game.

"Are you listening!?"

"Speak yourself, Kim." You pressed the peddle more and overtook other vehicles to chase after the criminal.

"Don't take risky decisions on your own. He's dangerous, you need backup."

"No! If we leave him today, we'll never get the bank money back. Now come on, Ass-guard, show your moves."

"I could see you winking in the words, Y/N. And stop calling me ass-gurad. It's Asgard which is a hypothetical place. Moreover, it's not Marvel. Get back to work."

"Roger that."

Increasing the speed you stead the car parallel to the target. You fired bullets into his tyre, window and the last one strikes his forearm. He hissed in pain as the car lost its balance and got crashed into a jewellery shop a the corner.

Thankfully, it was closed.

He limped out, carrying a duffle bag and a gun in his other hand. All the cop have surrounded him. Siren echoing in the area.

Namjoon, the brave, ran to take the man in hold. The criminal stumbled a few steps before pulling the trigger and firing at cops. The last bullet penetrated you in the guts.

Following the momentum you fell on the ground, watching Namjoon hurriedly approaching while the robber was arrested.

"Y/N, wake up!! Call the ambulance. We need a doctor!"

And you shut your eyes.

When you woke up, the plain walls of hospital came in the view. Blinking one and two, you hissed when tried to sit up. It was impossible to move in a plaster around the hand and brain banging bandage around the guts.

The door opened by a man dressed in white coat and stethoscope around his neck, strolling towards you along with a nurse. A nurse helped you sit up and your eyes widened on seeing the once stripper.

"I'm handling your case, Lieutenant Kim Y/N. I'm Dr. Kim Seokjin."

"Have we met before?"

"Yes, we did and I think you know where." He winked. "I used to do it to pay my fees. That's how I became a doctor. Don't judge my skills based on profession I took. Sometimes I did it for fun, sometimes because of poverty."

He placed his stethoscope on your chest and heard the heartbeat. He stepped back and sighed,"You need to rest for a month for recovery."

You nodded, trying to avoid the awkwardness.

The door again slides and Namjoon came in. He was carrying his cap in hand, dressed in uniform in the button down shirt and a harness.

"Is she okay?" was his first question. Seokjin nodded. "Yes, she is but needs to be kept under supervision. If I'll be out my junior would be here, so there's nothing to be worried about."

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