~I still know what you have done~

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"Are you Williams?"

"The one and only how may I help you?"

"Can you teach me how to make swords?"

"Sorry ma'am, no girls."


"But that's ok because I heard cooking can be fun."

"Ok, fine but can you at least tell me the latest happenings?"

"Sure, we are having a war in two days between another Roman empire."

(My escape!)

Arvane bows and walks away.

"Ok so I have two days I need to gather supplies and hide somewhere then BAM! escape."

Arvane runs to her room to grab paper and coal.

"Ok now if I map the area I am sure to get out of here."

"Arvane! Arvane!."

Arvane spins her head around slowly.

"Nat!" Arvane runs with her arms wide open.

"I just got off grounding my father said I learned my lesson."

"It was still funny that you kicked that guard." Arvane said.

Nat and Arvane we're the same age they have been the best of friends

ever since Arvane got captured at five even though Nat was quite the troublemaker.

"We can play in a minute let me head up to my room I need to

put something away." Arvane runs up the stairs to her room and hides her plans

in her pillowcase and runs back down to Nat.

"Hey, Arvane do you wanna sneak into Mrs.Jan's room and steal her candy?

"Didn't you just get off being grounded?"


"I say we look at the clouds it's a nice day out."

"You're boring like usual."

Nat makes a grumpy face in a funny way.

"I am NOT boring!"

"Oh yeah? Prove it."

"I will we're stealing that candy let's go!"

Arvane and Nat race to Jan's room.

"Rule one check for sound." Arvane says.

They both cup there ears on the door.

"If she was in there we would hear sound we could hear her from miles away." Nat said.

"It's locked I need a hairpin Nat."

Nat digs in his pocket for a little bit and pulls out a hairpin.

"Aha last one."

Arvane does twists and turns and a bunch of hums then the door flings open.

"Ok Nat we have to be fast Mrs.Jan is probably eating like usual and she eats fast."

"Got it." Nat said

Arvane and Nat slowly walk in and head towards the closet and go inside.

"The candies are all the way at the top shelf she must have moved them." Nat said.

"Nat! What have you gotten us into?"

Then they hear huge footsteps coming from down the hall and enter the room.

"Oh no oh no we're goners." Nat whispers.


They hear a big plop on the bed.

"Oh my snookie I love him dearly I wish he would notice me." Jan said

"Who wouldn't notice you." Nat and Arvane start giggling.

"He has that manly scent of bacon and those eyes oh priest forgive me for my sins."

Nat and Arvane start imitating her hand gestures.

Jan makes out with the priest's picture then leaves the room.

Arvane and Nat get up and burst out laughing.

"Ok, ok now Nat you have to boost me up they're to high up."

Nat lifts up Arvane and she grabs a handful of candies and they run out of the room.

"Goodnight Nat I must go to bed see you tomorrow."

Nat waves and turns around.

Arvane looks at the picture of the priest.

"I know you killed my father I know what you have done I know you ruined my five year old life I remember five years is not enough time to forget. Just know I know and one day I will get my revenge. Arvane turns the lights off and pulls the covers over her.

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