Chapter 1: The Great Escape

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Wolfbane was as cold as it was dark....

"The Kingdom Where the Sun Never Shines" is its nickname.
It was a fairly big kingdom, quite the decent sized citadel with all the beautifully elegant Victorian styled buildings;
Bakers, boutiques, cafes you name it!
Though the atmosphere of the place was rather.... dreary....
Always dark and rainy.... The royal family didn't help either....
The Wolf-Pines... who were ironically, you guessed it! Wolves.

Marigold. The king. Dearly missed....
Was tragically murdered by the Dark Lord of the Alpine Mountains when his eldest was only 9.....

Hydrangea.... The Killer Queen herself.
Cold and cunning, she is not a force to be reckoned with, even if fighting is below her.... She has her ways...
Speaking of ways ol' Queen Hydrangea is stuck in a locked mindset of traditions which she forces on her two daughters...

Nightshade. The oldest at 19.
Often referred to as the "Wild Flower"
Beautiful yet covered with thorns.
To her eyes and her long dark grey hair.... She is admired throughout the land... Too bad she's always busy starting a fight somewhere...
The fiercest warrior in Wolfbane,
And a royal rebel...
Often going against her mother's traditions;
She isn't the most dainty princess, nor does she wear traditional Wolfbane Blue (she prefers black) And on a daily basis ignores her mother's BIGGEST pet peeve....

The youngest of the Wolf-Pine sisters just turned 13.
She hardly knew her poor father as he was murdered when she was only 2-3 years old.... Because of this she grew up an angsty and rebellious childhood. Leaving her hated by her mother and out the line for the crown. Not that she cared.
"Why would I wanna be some crummy Queen anyway?"
She rarely spends any time at home in the Palace instead making a home for herself in the local junkyard or tavern.

And finally but of course not least....
Lily. Or her fuller name Lily-Hope,
Or her even FULLER name:
Lilyanna-Hope, "Rowan-Ebony" Wolf-Pine
Being the 5 year old adopted daughter of Princess Night....
She was found as a baby within a burning home during one of the now desaced Lord's raids on the villages... Her parents (Rowan and Ebony) unfortunately didn't make it so the then 14 year old Night took her in and sacrificed so much to be a teenage mother.....
As for what she's like as a person...
She's just like any sweet little girl.

Shortly after her 19th birthday, Night had finally had enough. She donned her black cloak so as to blend in with the miserable kingdom before going to her daughter's room....
Gently lifting her from her bed, grabbing a few of her most favourite toys.... And they left.

Night, with her daughter under her arm ran to the window ledge, grabbing the gutter pipe and sliding down, landing with a splash into a puddle on the paved road below, she looked around for any guards. There was two by the front gate.
"Shit" she muttered

She pulled her hood up, hiding Lily under her cloak. She wasn't prepared to fight tonight.... instead she just climbed over the wall. Easier said than done with the barbed wire and the fact she was only one handed holding her young daughter with the other.
Pulling her cloak free from the wire she hopped down, landing on her hands and feet until it hit her.....
She was free!
Finally free!!
But she couldn't celebrate yet...
She ran as fast as her leather boots would let her, past the closed sleepy shops, past the full taverns....
She wouldn't stop until she reached the Dock!
The sound of her boots splashing in the puddles broke the eerily silence.
She was running out of breath until finally...... the docks!
She stopped to a halt looking around frantically until finally she found it!
Captain Wilbert's prized ship!

Captain Wilbert was the personal royal sailor.... Also one of two of Night's exes...
Would he take it as a petty ex thing if she stole his ship?
Probably. But she was going to do it anyway.

She hopped aboard, putting Lily down (securing her toys in the Chambers so they wouldn't get lost overboard) raising the flags and sails which both bore the Wolfbane emblem, a black rose.
She was soon ready to set sail before...

"What the fuck are you doing...??"

Night slowly turned her head to see her younger sister stood on the Dock.

"I was just uh...." Night stammered, she didn't have an excuse....

"You're going to escape aren't you..??
And you're taking me with you. Whether you like it or not!" And with that Ivy boarded.

"You can't come! If we all leave Mother will get suspicious...!!" Hissed Night

"Ah, relax. She hates me. She won't notice I'm gone." Ivy shrugged and went to make herself useful

Night meanwhile went to open her mouth to argue back but couldn't think of anything, so just accepted Ivy's company.

Soon the two princesses were making their way through the icy waters! At long last! One of their plans had prevailed!

"Holy shit! We're doing it!" Exclaimed Ivy excitedly, she was stood on the side of the ship, her hand firmly grasped to some rope

Night was busy manning the wheel. Her ex Wilbert had taught her a thing or two but she was by all means no expert.

"So, where are we headed Captain Wolf-Pine?" Asked Ivy with a cheeky smirk

Night raised her sword her father left her.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2022 ⏰

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