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She's like a live bombshell,

Like a flash out of hell!

And when she's shaking her - ooh!

Everyone fell

at her feet

And that's neat

and she took me complete-ly

By surprise with her ultrasonic eyes

That were flashing like hysterical danger signs!

That said ‘beware where you tread’,

Or you'll go out of your head!

Look out!

She's a hell raiser, star chaser, trailblazer

Natural born raver, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

She's a hell raiser, star chaser, trailblazer

Natural born raver, yeah, yeah, yeah

Look out!

Monday 23rd February 1976

It was a simple enough prank to begin with - good old fashioned dung bombs. But Sirius’s high spirits at the prospect of all four marauders working together again meant that the idea kept growing and expanding, until it somehow involved four-hundred dungbombs, a timing delay spell, and all four of them out of bed after curfew.

They’d put it off long enough. Even if Remus agreed to forgo his homework for an evening, they had to gather the materials (he didn’t ask where they got their hands on four hundred dungbombs. Best not to know), and then contend with quidditch practice and the prefect patrol rota. Then there was a full moon. All told, the first night all of them were available ended up being at the end of February.

“Been a while!” James grinned as he disappeared under the cloak.

Peter’s ability to turn into a rat was incredibly useful, especially when he could shrink down and rest on James’s shoulder under the invisibility cloak. Unfortunately, tall as they all were now, three was still too many to properly fit.

“You two use the cloak,” Remus sighed, pulling it off after trying to squat low enough so that it didn’t show their ankles, “I’ll just flash my prefect pin if anyone asks what I’m doing.”

“Takes all the fun out of it, though.” Sirius complained, slightly muffled under the fabric.

“I’m sure you’ll still find a way to have fun,” Remus said. “Come on then.”

They left the dorm room and made their way down the stairs to leave Gryffindor Tower. Remus had to walk slowly so that the others could keep up, but he was anxious to get it over with. It was a good idea and everything - but it was going to take most of the night if they wanted all of their bases covered, and he had an early start on Tuesday.

“Hiya, Remus!”

No sooner had they turned a corner than they had bumped into Christopher. This was getting ridiculous. Everywhere he turned, if Snape wasn’t watching him, then Christopher was. Remus steeled himself and smiled broadly, deeply conscious that the three marauders stood just behind him, invisible.

“Hi Christopher, how’s it going?”

“Not bad!” The delighted boy chirped back, “I was just going to the common room, fancy a game of chess?”

“Er… sorry, I’m on patrol.” Remus tapped his metal badge.

“Oh right. Where’s Lily, then?”

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