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Sunday 29th January 1978



“It’s after midday…”


“Thought you might fancy getting up?”

“...no thanks.”

“Can I come in?”


“...ok, then.” Sirius began to walk away, and Remus’s stomach flipped.

“I’m sorry.” He said, loud enough for Sirius to hear, and stop. Remus finally crawled out of the covers. “I do want you here, I just don’t know what to say.”

He could hear Sirius fidgeting, his hands in his pockets, then running through his hair. Finally,

“We don’t have to talk?”

Remus sighed. He was a mess; he hadn’t washed properly since Wednesday, and had only got out of bed to use the bathroom. The other boys had been feeding him by passing food through the crack in his curtains, and if they hadn’t Remus wasn’t sure if he’d have eaten at all. He was in the worst state he’d ever been in. But he missed Sirius.

“...ok then.”

The curtains parted and Remus scowled against the bright daylight, but Sirius crawled in quickly, closing them again. He looked at Remus, but he didn’t look too hard before shuffling down next to him and enveloping him in his arms.

“Thanks,” he breathed against Remus’s hair, “for letting me in.”

“Reckon I must stink.”

Sirius inhaled deeply, tickling Remus’s forehead and making him squirm.

“Nope, just smell like Moony.”

“Gerroff, mutt.” Remus wriggled away from him.

“Feel like getting up soon? Everyone’s worried. And they’re looking at me now, like I know what to do, because everyone knows about us, which is weird, and quite a lot of pressure, really.”

Remus chuckled, and it felt strange, but good. Still, he had a melancholic episode to maintain.

“I still don’t feel like getting up.”

“Ok, then you need to let me hide here with you, because I’m not going back out there.”

“ Sirius.”

“Re mus.” Sirius frowned at him, exaggerating his eyebrows to look stupid.

“Stop it.” Remus folded his arms, aware he was starting to sound like a sulky child.

“I will not.” Sirius poked him in the ribs, “Come on, I know you’re feeling like shit about everything, but did you ever consider that it's not for you to hog all of the misery like this? That maybe if you talk to your friends it might not all seem quite so bleak?”

Remus frowned up at him, arms still crossed.

“Maybe that works for you…”

“Are you saying this is working for you?”

Remus pressed his lips together. They stared each other out for a minute. Remus began to think he’d quite like to fight Sirius right now, like they did on full moons; just because it was a fun way to expel energy. Then he noticed something. He sniffed the air.

“Are you bleeding? I can smell blood.”

“Probably you, from the moon.”

“No, I’ve healed already, I never have open wounds longer than a day.”

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