Chapter 2

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Rough hands pushed me downward. "Bow." Someone rasped in my ears. I scoffed tilting my head even higher. Something collided with my back. Agony blossoming where it touched."Now, now," I crooned, digging my jagged nails into my palm to keep me from screaming. "not so rough." My lips twisted in satisfaction as the smile on the guard's face dissipated.

I buckled, collapsing like a rag-doll onto the carpeted floor. Lifting my chin I glared upward. A voice rasped - iron grip tightening around my shoulders. We found this urchin, causing troubles in the bar. I heard a voice sniff, "How bad could it be," A savage smile curled my lips as the guard droned on, the Chief's jaw dropping lower and lower at every word: 20 men injured, 27 men found with severed hands," the guard continued. A white hot line of tension filled the room, I liked my lips, probing the tension , revering every flare of heat as more words poured out of the guards mouth. "no casualties." the guard finished, relief sighing through the room. I lifted my head higher, studying my surroundings,

My eyes landed upon the Beta first, her finger resting across her sword's hilt. Her silky, long hair the colour of wet stone, pulled in handsome warrior braids, woven with copper wire that complemented her azure eyes. She had a tall figure, lean and graceful - her skin tanned suggesting a recent war on the southern borders, with prominent cheekbones and jagged streaks of white scars rolling down her shoulders. I watched her square her shoulders, her eyes boring into my skull. I smiled sweetly as I shifted my gaze towards the man next to her. Boy was more like it. He seemed to be my age - 17 years old. The apparent apprentice to the alpha. I nodded slightly. It wasn't uncommon for the alpha to specifically choose an heir, often their youngest child - disregarding the beta completely. My mind whirred as I assessed him. His eyes were dark, darker than any black I had ever seen. Golden flakes scattered across his eyes like flaming embers across ash. His hair was worn in soft dark waves, styled in a ruggedly handsome way. I blinked. A wicked plan, crudely forming in my head.

My eyes skimmed to the alpha. Her eyes burned with shadows. Cascading sheets of silver hair fell in loose waves down her shoulder, tied in place with a band of steel. Folds of ebony coloured silk gathered at her feet, a spool of darkness encircling the alpha of the north. Ironic, I mused to myself, for the ruler of the northern territory - the so-called home to the city of light. There "Give me one good reason I should spare you, Alpha hissed softly, her voice almost bored - bemused. Something growled in my chest, as if I was something to be bored about. "How very polite," I mused, raising an eyebrow." Well considering you're about to be attacked by the southern territories, had no idea about it," I paused, letting the tension mount "You will need my help."

Wolf WarriorsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora