Chapter 3

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My heart thrummed as I watched the prisoner drop to the ground. A shudder rolled down my spine as I analysed her, my fingers gripping my sword hilt as I caught sight of her wicked smile. My eyes flitted across her. She was lithe and toned with long waves of cascading black tied into a classic southern hairstyle. I gripped the hilt harder, soothing the instincts to protect the alpha. The guards near her shivered with every movement she made. My eyes clouded as I heard the list of offences spill from his tongue. Her smile deepened with each utterance. She was dangerous. I could feel it in my bones. The effortless way she tested the tension in the room. The silver inferno that burned in her eyes. She could control the room with her voice. Or her devilish grin. At this point, no one was certain. A calculating, cold mask. A steel warrior.

Her silver eyes met mine. A shadow passing over her face. Her eyes gleamed, as if she knew something I didn't. I shivered, my blood turning to ice.

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⏰ Ultima actualizare: Sep 26, 2022 ⏰

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