Butcher Army? Bold name for bottoms.

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TW: Non-Con, non-con orgy, non-con window sex (sex against a window), non-con semi sloppy seconds, Degration, mentions of attempted execution, mentions of attempted house arrest, light bondage elements, hair pulling, crossdressing, light foot fetish, nicknames, choking

Lmk if I missed any! And if you hate any of it, just click away now because this is the only chapter I'm specifying non-con on everything, but past this it should be pretty clear what you're choosing to read. (The title is a dead give away, if nothing else.)

Phil was sorting through his barrels, making things neater and easier to find. He didn't much better to do, and was tired of not knowing for sure where his stuff was.

Then the unholy sound of a bell being hit over and over and over again sounded, but it wasn't just some random bell, it was the bell that stood in as a doorbell.

He sighed, setting the stack of rails he was holding onto a barrel before opening up the door, rather confused at the four who was being nuisances.

Quackity, Fundy, Tubbo, and Ranboo. (If Tubbo and Ranboo were paying him any mind, they seemed to just be oogling and love eyeing each other.)

"What do you want?" Phil asked, confused and annoyed. His perfectly good organizing was interrupted after all, before he could properly hide away all his valuables too.

"We have reason to believe that you know where Techno is." Quackity said, not wanting to waste anymore time. They had to find and kill that stupid demigod-

Phil, unamused, just rose an eyebrow. "Why would I know where Techno is? He's a grown man, not a child, I don't keep tabs on him."

Quackity, rudely, shoved Phil further into the house and entered himself. "Than you won't mind us doing a search."

"I do mind. I just organized all my shit, I'd rather not having you idiots ruin it." Phil said with a scoff.

Someone else finally spoke up, Ranboo. "Stop resisting, Phil, unless you want to be placed under house arrest." he threatened, holding up an iron ankle bracelet. The thing looked hideous.

Phil didn't feel all that threatened, keeping note of Fundy and Tubbo going through his barrels.  "You say that like you could get it onto me."

It was always so annoying when bottoms tried to act like they could dominate. Though Phil himself was only a switch, but he had only ever been dommed by woman. (Techno had come close, but he was ace and didn't really actually do sex.)

With a sigh, Ranboo approached Phil, using the height advantage to push Phil back, forcing him to sit on the crafting table. "I warned you."

Phil sat still, deciding to bide his time and play along. He hadn't felt particularly horny that day, but it was always a nice adrenaline rush to put a bottom in their place.

Ranboo knelt down to put the ankle bracelet on, though struggled and fumbled with the iron bracelet.

It was a good five minutes before Phil said something, rather bored with it. "Are you going to put that damn thing on me or kiss my feet? Surely you aren't so useless as even mildly dominating that you can't put a bracelet on me." he taunted.

Ranboo blushed, roughly grabbing Phil's ankle and going to try again, fed up. "I'm not kissing your feet, shut up and stay still."

Phil just grinned. "No, I think you will." He said cockily, moving just enough to shove his socked foot in Ranboo's face, a clear taunt.

Ranboo blushed, but he couldn't easily go against the order. He didn't have the spine to stand up to the hierarchy that the others did.

So with bright red cheeks, he kissed Phil's foot tenderly.

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