Chapter One

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Ruby Rose POV

My pounding heart rushed through my ears, pressure squeezed my head, the breath caught in my throat. I can't even hear myself think! My fingers trembled with each word that passed from the professor's lips.

"Team RWBY will be led by Ruby Rose." The professor said with such confidence. I only managed a squeak in response. Yang squeezed me tightly while Weiss turned her head away from me. "Congratulations Ms. Rose. Lead wisely." My heart dropped into my stomach. Why me?

The four of us came to our dorm where we unpacked and realized we all had way too much stuff. 

"What do we do now? Ditch our stuff?" Yang asked. 

"Or... we could ditch the beds... and make bunk beds!" I jumped with a big smile. "All in favor?" Weiss was the only one that objected so by majority rules we got to work creating makeshift bunks! We slept for the first night in our new bunk beds putting off decorating until the morning. My alarm went off at five in the morning making me regret every life decision I had ever made up to that point. I groaned as I nearly fell from my bunk. Rubbing my tired eyes I grabbed my uniform and a bath towel before tiptoeing down to the dorm showers. 

I picked a shower stall and locked the door behind me dreading removing my nice warm pajamas. I placed the folded uniform on the bench with my towel and piled my pajamas on top with my slippers on the floor underneath. Shivering I turned the hot water on only to be blasted with an icy stream. 

"Gah! What the heck? I thought I turned the hot water on!" I complained. 

"Oh, that's the stall that they installed wrong. It's backward." Another student told me. 

"Oh, good to know. Thanks." I shivered turning the other knob on with a squeak. I gently massaged my rose-scented shampoo into my hair accidentally getting some of the suds in my eyes. "Ow ow ow..." I rinsed my face thoroughly with the hot water. "Great first day." I groaned. After I was finished washing up I just stood there letting the steaming water hit my back while I blankly stared at my battle scars. 

A few minutes went by before I finally turned the water off. I wrapped my extra-large fluffy towel around me as I shivered in the chilly bathroom air. Once my uniform was on I realized the chest was super loose...

"Aw, Yang... why did you put your uniform on top of mine?" I groaned. "Now I gotta change again!" I made my way back up to the dorm to collect my uniform and into a bathroom stall to change again.

I blew a whistle to wake everyone else up when I was done putting Yang's uniform back where I found it. After the collective yelp from everyone was done and they'd all either gotten or fallen out of bed I smiled.

"Good morning everyone! First things first! Let's redecorate the room!" I laughed. Everyone agreed and unpacked our things together. Weiss put up her paintings Yang put up her posters and Blake and I both shared a bookshelf between the bunks to put all of our books on.

"What's next?" Yang asked.

"Classes." I slumped down on Weiss's bunk. "Looks like our first class is at nine o'clock this morning."

"Did you say nine?" Weiss asked. "It's 8:55 you, dolt!" We all ran out of the dorm followed by team JNPR. We made it with less than a minute to spare! A collective sigh of relief left both teams as we took our seats. Professor Port's lecture was so boring I lost track of my own thoughts after five minutes and started doodling on some paper instead of taking notes. 

Once he brought out the Grimm creature I perked up finally getting excited for the class! Weiss was the one he called on to show her skills in defeating it. 

"Yeah Weiss! Represent team RWBY!!" I yelled. "You got this!" She sneered at me for a second before focusing on the battle. "Go for the belly! There's no armor underneath!" 

"Don't tell me what to do!" She yelled and defeated the creature in a flash. 

After class was over I ran after her. "Weiss, what was that? What happened to being a team?" 

"Not a team led by you." She told me. "I deserve better than this. I've trained for this, and what have you done? You skipped grades to get here, sure. But you haven't put in any effort, the years you skipped should have been used to train. You're irresponsible, naive, and inexperienced even in terms of first years. Ozpin made a mistake." Once she was finished ripping into me she stormed off, leaving me there alone. I knelt down to sit on the ground when Professor Ozpin appeared behind me. 

"Well, that went well." He tilted his head slightly. 

"Was she right? Did you make a mistake?" I glanced at him over my shoulder. 

"That remains to be seen. It's only been one day, give yourself a chance. Let me give you some advice." He paused to make sure I was listening. "Being a team leader isn't just a title you carry into battle, but a badge you wear constantly. If you are not always performing at your absolute best, then what reason do you give others to follow you?" He left me alone to think about his words. He was right, I needed to step up and be better. I needed to be the best team leader that I could possibly be. 

Later that night I forced myself to copy and study Blake's notes from classes before starting the homework from Professor Goodwitch. I must have fallen asleep before finishing Professor Oobleck's homework when Weiss came in with a cup of coffee. 

"Cream and five sugars, just the way you like it." She smiled. "I'm sorry about earlier. I was frustrated and I know that it was unacceptable of me, I am sorry. I've decided I'm going to be the best teammate that you could ever ask for." She disappeared to her bunk before popping back up to tell me something was wrong with my homework. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2023 ⏰

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