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Hey guys! It's me! Kay. I know it's been a while but I've come up with a hard decision.. I'm giving this book up for adoption. I just don't have the motivation anymore and I can't seem to come up with ideas right off the bat. I've been feeling guilty for holding up this book for so long and not giving you guys content cause I have no ideas but now I've decided to give this book up. I'm sorry to the people who liked reading this book and continued waiting for me to update it but I can't deal with the burden of making books and chapters anymore. Again, I'm very sorry! I didn't think people would read my book so I did this thinking I could update whenever I want without dealing with stress but as you can see, it backfired. There's a lot going on in my life right now and making books and stressing over it is just another thing on my list. Thank you all who have read, commented, and voted on this book. I made this book thinking writing and making ideas is for me but atlas, It isn't. Maybe I wasn't meant for making books. I'm sorry again to everyone. Maybe if I have ideas again I'll update but that most likely won't happen.. This was a very hard decision to make since this was my first story I ever made and was proud of but now I have to let go of this. This isn't a goodbye ok? In the future let's hope we meet again and if you recognize me then call me out ok? Although you probably won't. Anyways this is a final goodbye to this and my band book. And as I wrote earlier I might be updating if I feel the need to and if I have ideas. Right now I'm focusing on my mental health and what's going on in my life right now. So goodbye again everyone, stay safe, be kind, and try to remember Technoblade for as long as possible (as Wilbur said) so you can keep up with the dream smp's jokes of him.

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