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1. A SPECK OF DUST - BlueEstelle

Cover/Title: 9/10
The flow of words - 14/15
Grammar/Spelling/Vocabulary- 15/15
Writing style- 15/15
Poetic devices- 13/15
Emotions- 10 /10
Originality- 10/10
Enjoyment- 10/10

Total: 97/100
Review: This is amazing. It's beautifully written and has a powerful meaning behind it.


2. TERROR - Call_Us_Toast

Cover/Title: 9/10
The flow of words - 15/15

Grammar/Spelling/Vocabulary- 13 /15

Writing style- 14/15

Poetic devices- 12/15

Emotions- 10/10
Originality- 10 /10

Enjoyment- 10 /10

Total: 93/100

Review: I love this very much. It's relatable and heartfelt.


3. DEVOTION - PriscillaYiadom4

Cover/Title: 5/10
The flow of words - 1 /15

Grammar/Spelling/Vocabulary- 1/15

Writing style- 5/15

Poetic devices- 5/15

Emotions- 6/10

Originality- 3 /10
Enjoyment- 6/10

Total: 33 /100

Review: Simple and short, but portrays a positive message.


4. SMILE A LITTLE - JustAle25

Cover/Title: 8 /10
The flow of words - 12/15
Grammar/Spelling/Vocabulary- 13/15
Writing style- 15 /15

Poetic devices- 14/15

Emotions- 10/10

Originality- 10 /10

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