Friends || 14

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a very special update because i don't want my lovely friend and supporter to feel lonely on her birthday! happy 18 gurl ❤️✨ PoornimaSingh935  lots of love from gracy and all her readers <333


"koo..." jungkook hums at the soft voice of his sister, glancing at her while jimin and taehyung are busy arguing about who's going to win. aera watches them for a while, sighing softly, she makes her way to jungkook, putting his laptop aside and sits on his lap, hugging him tightly.

"what's up?" he strokes her back gently, pressing a kiss on the side of her head for he can feel she's upset about something, "did you have a bad dream?" the sister shakes her head, resting it on his bare shoulder as he wasn't wearing his t-shirt claiming that he'd just go to sleep after watching one last episode of his ever-pending series.

"can't go back to sleep?" he asks then and aera shakes her head again, "what made my riri upset then?"

"let's go to my room," she mumbles in the crook of jungkook's neck, never loosening the hug she has jungkook in, "you go with me, koo,"

"you wanna sleep with me?" jungkook chuckles.

"mm-hmm," aera nods lightly, waiting for him to get up and head to her room or his, like this so she won't have to walk.

"alright," he pats her back, closing the laptop and stands up, his one arm placed under aera securely and the other resting on her back, "hyung, i'm going to sleep now,"

"sure, good night," jimin smiles at him and aera, "what's wrong princess? are you okay?"

"yeah," she nods, turning her face towards jungkook and closes her eyes, "let's go, koo,"

"hey, what happened honey?" the boys frown in confusion as jungkook asks, rubbing her side slowly, "you can tell us if there's anything bothering you?"

"let's go first, please,"

"i— okay fine," jungkook sighs, giving an assuring look to the elders. jimin nods in response, gesturing him to go upstairs and see if aera tells him anything.

jungkook walks out of the room, going to the kitchen first and settles aera down on the counter top, pouring a glass of water for her and stands in front of her, "drink this," aera takes a small sip, shaking her head then and reaches out for jungkook again, "what's gotten riri so upset today hm? are you hurting somewhere?"

"no," she mumbles, "i'm lonely..."

"oh? why's that? isn't oppa here with riri?"

"yes, but— i don't know. koo, i wan' a friend," she pouts, rubbing her eyes with back of her hand and sniffles softly. jungkook frowns at the words, not really understanding the meaning behind them yet, though his first genuine response is to hug aera.

"you want friends?" he asks to confirm and the girl nods, "uh okay, but don't you already have friends? i mean, we all know it, everyone is riri's friend,"

"nooo!" aera whines, breaking into a sob. her hand curls into a fist, gripping onto jungkook's thumb as he was holding her hand earlier. the brother doesn't mind her nails digging in his palm and stays still, letting aera hide closer in his embrace while she cries in need for something— maybe warmth. 

"it's okay, kiddo," jungkook sigh softly, placing his free hand on aera's lower back, rubbing slow circles, hoping to provide to some comfort to his little girl, "we're all right, hm? stop crying," he smiles softly, leaning near her face and kisses her forehead.

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