Peter meets the rogues

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TW- Asshole-Steve, angry Peter

Summary-Peter meets the rogues and Steve insults Tony and Peter hears it and is angry


No Ones POV

Today the rogues come to live in the tower again. Tony was not in a very good mood, he was on the verge of another panic attack,the third panic attack in 24 hours.

The only one who can properly calm him down are pepper and Peter. But pepper was on a business trip and Peter was still at school.

So he sat on the floor of his lab silently crying. After half an hour he goes to the bathroom throws a bit of water in his face combs with his fingers trough his hair and changes in acceptable clothes. Good 10 minutes later the elevator dinged.

Tony couldn't help but shiver at the sight of the man who nearly killed him in Siberia. They said they're hellos and quietly sat down at the couches in the living room. After a little smalltalk with the others Tony warmed up to Nat, Clint, Scot and surprisingly Bucky. They laughed a bit at old memories and made a few jokes.

He had completely forgotten that Peter was supposed to come any minute. Then the elevator dinged. A teenager with brown hair and doe eyes jumped excitedly out of it and came running into the living room. "Hi dad" he said while not looking up from his school bag where he was searching for a test he had gotten back today in physics (welcome to physics, HOLY MOTHER- (I'm very sorry I am obsessed with vines)) and wanted to show Tony. Peter found the paper and was about to give it to Tony when he saw the rogues and froze. "I'm gonna go now" he said rather quick and run out of the room to his own room.

Now Stark had to explain everything by himself. "Dad???" was the first thing anyone said (Steve). "Yea that was my son Peter, I adopted him 3 years ago because his aunt died in a car crash and he hadn't had any family left. I love him like he is mine, pepper too. So if anything happens to him, I will kill everyone in this room and then myself.". „Okay" everyone said slightly scared of the father.

~this is Bob the time skip, please be nice to him, he will now bring you to dinnertime~

Tony don't know how to cook. That's a fact that everybody knew. So it was no surprise that everyone was S H O O K E T H that there was a fantastic smelling lasagna on the decked table.

Peter came downstairs and sat quietly on the table with the other rogues and Tony. Soon everyone chit chatted a little bit then Peter heard Steve whisper something to Bucky. „I bet that Stark still drinks a bottle of whiskey every night and sleeps around with women" Bucky frowned at that and ate his lasagna quietly.

Over the dinner Peter heard a lots of that comments but at the last one he snapped (sorry). „The kid is probably just the result of a one night stand and Tony didn't had the heart to tell him" Bucky sat uncomfortable on the table and shot Steve a glare that said 'shut it'. But Peter was furious already and shouted „don't talk like that about my father". And Steve obviously didn't stop „and what are you going to do about it?".

Definitely nobody expected Peter to yeet Steve in a wall across the room. Steve was shocked, how did that little kid yeet him across the room. Tony and the others couldn't help but snicker about how a little kid throw THE Captain America against a wall.

Peter walked to the captain and said „don't ever insult my father again" in a sweet tone that let him shiver. „And if anyone says anything bad about dad I will do much worse things to you" he said as he walked past the others to his room.

Nat then said „that kid is Spider-Man, isn't he?" Tony answered „Yup".


So that was my first story, yay!

It is pretty bad but I did it in 1 hour so it's no surprise.

I think the next story will be Parley fluff but I'm not quite sure.

See you (hopefully) later alligator,

~To bros chilling in a hot tub...

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