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"You can't catch me! Haha!" Espresso shouted. The two young boys were in a game of tag. Their laughs echoed in the forest. Madeleine was giving chase after Espresso. Finally Madeleine tackled down the browned-haired boy to the ground. The two were giggling with spots of dirt on their faces and clothing. The two boys could never be separated from each other. No matter what. The two boys sat up and looked into each others eyes. "Hey Essy?"  Espresso's attention was now on Madeleine. "Yeah?" Madeleine sighed and took a deep breath. "What...what would happen if we were separated? Like if you were to move or something?"

The happy vibes and aura was lost. "I-I don't want to think about it. Because...it'll never happen right?" Espresso said with a smile. Madeleine copied Espresso expressions and try to be positive. "Yeah, but what IF you did? Will you still remember me? I-I mean I don't want to leave you alone." Espresso took a minute to explore the thought that Madeleine presented. "I won't forget you! Here," Espresso paused mid-sentence and started to go through his pocket. Out came a bracelet. "I made this for us! So even if this happens, we'll never forget each other!" Espresso took Madeleine's arm and slid the bracelet on Madeleine's wrist. The beads on Madeleine's were dusty pink and coffee brown and Espresso's were vanilla yellow and a bold blue. 

"I-Thank you! I'll never forget you with this!" Madeleine exclaimed. Suddenly Madeleine jumped up and hugged Espresso. Espresso returned the hug back. "I think we should go back now. It's getting late." 

"Yeah, it is-" 

Madeleine was cut off by a pull of his shirt. Madeleine was shocked and looked up to see his mother with a pissed face. "Mother?! What's going on?!" Espresso was very confused and stood up to Madeleine's mother but the same fate happened to him as well. "Stay away from my son, you caffeinated monster!" Madeleine's mother hissed. "You do the same, vanilla slut!" Espresso's mother hissed back. "Ma-madeleine?! What's going on?! Help!!" Espresso screamed with tears starting to form. "I-I don't know! Mother what is this about?!" Madeleine shouted at his mother, tugging on her sleeve. "Sorry my darling, but coffee magic is dangerous. No more hanging out with that  Espresso.." 

The two were being dragged farther and farther away, both of them getting smaller from their point of view. "DON'T FORGET ME ESSY!!!" Madeleine shouted, his voice getting harsher from crying. "I WON'T! I PROMISE!!"  Espresso screamed back. Both of the young boys were crying and were helpless to be in reach of each other. 

With Espresso...

Espresso sat at his desk in his room crying. His tears stain his face. Suddenly, a knock on the door was heard by Espresso. "Who is it? I don't have time for anyone right now..."He said softly. "It's me...Latte!" A muffled female voice said.  "Come in..." Latte softly opened his bedroom door and sat down on his bed. "I-I heard what happened with you and mom...I'm so sorry,"  Espresso started to fidget with his bracelet as a few more tears ran down his face. "Thank you, but that doesn't fix anything. I'll probably never see him again...!"

Espresso folded his arms on the desk and burrowed his head inside his arms. "Don't say that! Maybe...once you get older maybe you'll be able to see him again." Latte reassured. "In my dreams..I just want to be with him again..."

With Madeleine...

"I'm sorry my baby, but I just can't! We are light-magic users who were foolish to let them step foot in our house and let them touch and fondle you!" Madeleine's mother agured. "And so?! We were good friends! No, BEST FRIENDS!! And you took that away from me!" Madeleine shouted with tears in his eyes. "It's what's best for you, them, and us! I don't want to talk about this anymore, my mind has been made up and you won't be seeing those people ever again as long as you live under my house!" Madeleine's mother scoffed. Madeleine's face contorted as those words split from his mother's mouth. "Maybe it's because you're foolish, but maybe you're in the wrong! They're kind people and you're just a prejudiced person!" Madeleine screamed to the top of his lungs. Suddenly, a throbbing sensation spread throughout Madeleine's face. His mother slapped him. "Be quiet. Go to your room and as I told you, if you ever speak of that boy and his dark family again, there will be more to that." She said sternly. And with that, Madeleine's mother stromed away gracefully.  Madeleine utter one sentence under his breath.

"I just want to be with him again..."

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EH? EH? My writing has gotten a bit better huh?  I think it did! Especially with my covers and headcovers! I hope you enjoyed this little flashback into their childhood!  I hope this gets as big as my last Espresseleine story.(Which had so many things wrong in it, like weird ass storylines, not very good dialogue, and spelling that makes me want to smash my laptop across the room I can't lmao) The next chapter may come out in the next few days! Since school has started, I actually have more time to write!! I can write at school lmao. My classes aren't that interesting or just more of focusing on my classmates being horrible lol. Thanks for reading!(Also sorry for this off-topic ramble!!) 

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