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Stretching his arms out after a nice slumber, Madeleine yawned and stretched his back. His pale blonde locks were a bit tangled and his eyes were a bit blurry. Madeleine rubbed his eyes and reached out from his phone. Madeleine laid back on his bed's head and went through his text messages. Nothing. Madeleine stretched out once more and slid out of bed. He went to his bathroom and turned on the faucet. Beside the sink, was the bracelet from 7 years ago that his childhood friend gave him before they were separated from each other. Madeleine grinned softly as he slid the barely fitting bracelet on his wrist. Madeleine started his day by brushing his teeth, and washing his smooth face. Madeleine slid on a shirt with his old college jacket and some jeans. Madeleine was already to go but one thing, he forgot to brush his hair. "Ah! My hair!" He acknowledged. 

On the side of his bed was a dresser that had his brush. He took out the brush in the drawer and started to brush out the kinks and tangles in his long, blonde hair. As he was brushing, Madeleine's phone rang. Madeleine stopped brushing and picked up the phone. "Hey what's up?" Madeleine answered. "Yeah, can you hurry please? We're going to be late for the reservation for the brunch place! I'm already here but, you!" Knight cookie complained over the phone. "I know! I'm uhm, actually in the car right now, heh.." The sound of Madeleine's phone started to make a long and stretched out beeping noise. 


Madeleine finally arrived at the brunch restaurant. "You were in the car already, you said..." Knight said sarcastically. "Okay, yeah I woke up a bit late, but I'm still here!" Madeleine scoffed off. "Come on let's just get into the damn restaurant before I waste my money for this reservation. The two men walked into the restaurant and sat down in their respective seats."Hey, I've been meaning to ask you this. Where did you get that bracelet?" 

"Oh? This? A childhood friend gave it to me when I was younger. I don't know where he is now, but I hope he's doing well..." Madeleine said with a bit of gloom in his voice. "Do you mind if I ask why you guys broke up?" The words broke made Madeleine feel some type of way. He remembers the way he felt about that coffee boy. "Well, uhm. It's complicated. My mother and his were against each other because of magic practices. I was light and he was coffee. I wasn't fair and I don't know where that even came from..." Knight knew that the question he asked was making Madeleine uncomfortable. "Sorry that I asked that. I didn't know it was personal." 

Madeleine gave Knight a faint smile and waved his hand a bit. "It's fine. It's been 7 years since that day. I'm an adult now, I have bills and taxes and adult stuff to do now than sitting and pondering on childhood breakups."  Knight nodded his head in agreement and picked up the menu. "Right! But what are you gonna eat? This is a restaurant after all!" Madeleine followed what Knight did and scanned through the menu. The place had pretty good food and didn't  seem that bad from what he saw on other tables. "So what are you getting? I'm just getting bacon and eggs." 

"I can do the same but with some yogurt." 


"Man, that was good, not gonna lie."  Knight said satisfied. "It was!"  The two were hanging outside of the  restaurant. "Do you have anything going for you right now?" Knight asked slyly with a grin on his face. Madeleine's face flushed a bright red. "Well, no but...sigh I'm not seeing anyone, but that doesn't mean I don't WANt to see anyone but..." Madeleine stuttered. "Wow, I hadn't seen you stutter like that before! Hah!" Madeleine has dated people before, but either it didn't work out or just was toxic to him. It was hard for him not to fall for someone who was obviously not for him. But he somehow still feels for them. "I just got a text from Princess, she wants me to go pick her up from the mall. I'll catch you later Maddi!" With that Knight left Madeleine's side and went to his car to go pick up his girlfriend. Madeleine waved goodbye as his friend hopped in his car and left. There's nothing else for me to do right now, so why not go get some coffee? They ran out at this place, so might as well get it from another.

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