Back to the Falls

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Dippers pov 

It was Mabel and I's 18th birthday and we've been talking about moving to Gravity Falls for the last two months since we are now old enough to move out and make our own decisions. Mabel and I also received a postcard 2 months ago from our great uncle Ford and Gruncle Stan saying they were back in Gravity Falls and have traveled as much of the world as they wanted to.  All of a sudden I was broken out of my thoughts by a knock on my door and I didn't even need to ask who it was because of the way they knocked I knew it was Mabel. Once I knew who it was I said "come in" and she walked in and said, "hey bro bro are you almost ready  to leave for Gravity Falls." I said back in response  " yeah Mabel I'm just packing up the last of my things" then once I said that she said " OK" in a singy-song voice and walked out back to her room.

Once I was done packing up my things, I went downstairs and saw that Mabel was already packing her things into our car. As soon as I saw that I went back upstairs to grab my things.  Once I had grabbed all my things and was back downstairs with them I went outside and started putting them in Mabel's car. Shockingly for Mabel and I's 18th birthday they got us a car to share. Although Mabel is the main one that drives it because believe it or not she's the better driver out of us two which I refuse to admit half the time.

We had finally packed all our things in the car and since our parents weren't home we couldn't say bye to them so we went and started the drive back to Gravity Falls.

Mabels pov

Once Dip-dop and I had all our things packed in the car we started driving back to Gravity Falls. On the way, we had to stop to get gas, and we decided to pick some snacks up for the road. I immediately went in the store to get snacks for us while Dipper was pumping the gas, when I went in I started looking for smile-dip since it was recently recontinued, and I prayed what happened when I was 12 wouldn't happen again. Once I had found it I bought a pack of 12, and then I grabbed Dipper's favorite snack which was beef jerky and slim jims.  I walked out of the gas station and went back to the car with the snacks and Dipper was already waiting in the car, because he had finished pumping gas into the car.

I showed him the snacks got and when he saw the smile-dip he said " why would you get that after the incident when we were 12!" I said back " one it's good, two since it's continued again they must have fixed it, and three I doubt that will happen again." Dipper said back " don't blame me if anything happens 'cause I warned you." I just had a smile on my face and said "okay!" and we drive off and continued on our way to Gravity Falls.

Dippers pov 

I found out that I had fallen asleep on the way because when I had woken up we were at the sign saying welcome to Gravity Falls and Mabel said " your finally awake it was boring not being able to bother you." I said, " how long was I out," she said back to me " about two hours,"  I said back " sorry Mabel I didn't realize how tired I was, " she said back "it's fine you need your sleep anyways since you barely sleep." I just shook my head in agreement and then Mabel pointed out the opening in the woods that leads to the mystery shack and we both got excited to be back, so we sped up just a bit and once the shack was in view we both got so happy and we parked the car, and ran up to the door and knocked. 

When we knocked the door was opened by great uncle Ford and he saw us and hugged us both and said "it's good to have you both back" then Gruncle stan saw us and said, "it's great to have you two knuckleheads back." They then both came outside and started helping us with our bags since our hands were full with a bag on each arm and a box in each of our arms. They showed us where our rooms were since we each got our own room now since were older. I got the Old room Mabel and I used to share while Mabel got the room at the end of the hall. 

Once I went into the room I saw it was all redecorated. There was a Queen sized bed and posters on the wall of paranormal things and there were other decorations in boxes that great uncle Ford said he put there for if I wanted anything in there. When I looked in the box at the bottom were the journals. I  questioned how he got them back because I swore he threw them into a bottomless pit, but I was so happy to finally have them back. Since I was happy to have them back I decided not to ask any questions about how he got them back.

I started setting up all the stuff I had brought with me when I heard a knock at my door. I went over to the door and opened it and it was great uncle ford asking how I was getting along with unpacking so far. I had told him that  " everything was going good and it was just weird being back but it will all be fine." Once I said that he left and started walking back downstairs and I shut my door. I went back to what I was doing and about thirty minutes later I had finally finished unpacking all my stuff.

I decided to pass by some more time while Mabel was still unpacking I would go explore the forest again just like I used to. so once I decided what I was doing I walked out of the house and went off into the woods.

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