Chapter 3: At Four in the Morning

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{ CONTENT WARNING: This chapter contains sexual material unsuitable for some readers. See disclaimer at beginning for more details. }

After an exhausting day full of drinking, Quidditch, and wrestling, everyone took turns and hit the showers. While physically, Camellia was wiped out, her mind was going a hundred miles per hour.

She sat on her bed (which was really just a stack of quilts thick enough to be a makeshift mattress) wrapped in a towel, and she rifled through a very old copy of Witch Weekly , barely registering the images on the pages. She'd already showered, and was just realizing how out of it she was when Hermione came into the room, wrapped in a towel as well with her curly hair tied up in a messy bun.

"You alright, Cami?" she asked gently before pulling an oversized t-shirt and shorts out of her trunk and stepping behind Ginny's changing screen.

"Yeah... I think so," Camellia mumbled, still thumbing through the magazine. "Just got a lot on my mind, I guess."

Hermione poked her head out from the side of the screen. "No need to hide it, I saw what happened today," she said, and went back in to finish changing. "I'd be distracted, too, if I'd been in your shoes."

Camellia looked up and frowned. "What's that supposed to mean?" she asked, knowing exactly what she meant.

At that moment, a knock came at the door, and without waiting for a reply, Ginny slipped into the room and closed the door behind her. "—Fucking Fred, I swear to Merlin... he's so annoying !"

"What'd he do?" Camellia asked as Hermione came out from behind the screen and sat next to her on her mattress.

"He keeps using my towel!" she complained. "And George, too, I can't stand them sometimes! I was about to go shower because I feel all sweaty and disgusting, and I'm looking for my towel and then I see Fred walking into the bathroom after Hermione holding it like he's gonna use it!"

"Oh, I'm sorry, Ginny I didn't see him!" Hermione said. "Are you sure he knows it's your towel?"

"Yes!" Ginny nearly shouted, her cheeks beginning to redden. "All of our towels are monogrammed with our initials, and he knows the pink one is mine because it's smaller, and well... pink. Oh, and for the record, George's is the light blue one, so he's not getting them confused!"

Ginny being frustrated was either hilarious or terrifying— this time, it was hilarious. She didn't look very threatening with her little-sister scowl and her hair messy and muddy from Quidditch, but both Camellia and Hermione knew to keep their laughter to themselves.

"Well, maybe he likes your towel better," Camellia said. "And so what? Just go use his instead."

Ginny rolled her eyes. "Ew, I don't want to use my sweaty brother's bath towel," she grimaced. "Plus, mine is way softer and I like it better. He's just doing this because he forgets to use softener in the wash so his towel is all itchy. He's the worst."

She bent down and grabbed another copy of Witch Weekly and flopped on her bed to read it. Camellia and Hermione grinned at each other, very entertained by Ginny's tantrum, and Camellia grabbed her wand, giving it a flick to turn on the radio. Ginny huffed as it began playing a Britney Spears song, pretending that she hated it, but in moments she was softly singing along.

The three girls sat in Ginny's room, reading magazines and listening to the radio, for a few peaceful minutes until Harry's yelling voice came from somewhere down the hall. " Cami! Have you still got my red hoodie?"

"Yeah, just a moment, I'll bring it to you!" Camellia yelled back, hastily getting up and grabbing her pajamas from her trunk to change out of her towel. She pulled on her tank top and soft pajama bottoms, and took Harry's hoodie from its place on the foot of Ginny's bed to go give it to him.

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