Chapter 20:Truth or Dare

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When Fred and Camellia returned to the apartment, George was already preparing for Zina's arrival. 

Harry and Hermione played Atari on the TV while Ron and Ginny watched. 

— How is shopping? Ron asked, not even turning his head to his friends. 

- Yes fine! Picked up a couple of nice things for Cam," Fred replied. "Oh yes, George, Madame Malkin sends his regards. 

George darted around the kitchen, using his wand to arrange the cups on the shelves. 

- Zina will drop by for a visit? Camellia asked, trying to sound as casual as possible. 

George, hearing his friend's name, immediately turned around.

 There was a smile on his face. 

- Yes, she should be here any minute, 

- he said joyfully, 

- She said that a lot of work had piled on her, and her father was not in the mood ... 

I think an evening in good company will not hurt her. 

"That's very nice, George," Cam said, forcing a smile. 

Something, but she would have preferred anyone as a guest, the main thing is not Zina. Remember the sun ... 

There was a knock on the door. 

"It must be her!" said George, moving towards the Door.

 In less than a second, as George opened the door, he was grabbed by the collar of his shirt. 

Zina pulled him to her and kissed him. 

Pulling back, Weasley had flushed cheeks. 

His hand rested on the girl's waist. 

Hello, Zina! 

George said a little confused. 

She smiled, stroking his chest. 

In her free hand she held a small beautiful package.

 "Hi, George," the girl cooed.

 Her eyes flickered to Fred. 

"And... Hello, Fred."

 Long time no see!

 George looked inquiringly at his brother, then at the girl, who grinned. 

"We crossed paths about twenty minutes ago. 

Pure coincidence ... I was finishing my shift when I noticed him in a nearby cafe. 

Zina left the package in the kitchen, joining her friends in the living room.

 Less than half an hour had passed since alcohol was discovered, and quiet conversations turned into loud laughter. 

The figure eight formed a crooked circle. In the center is a coffee table. 

On Camellia's right were Harry, Ginny, Hermione, Ron, George, Zina, and Fred. 

Some are on the floor, some are on the couch. 

Zina poured herself a second glass. 

It was a daisy drink that Fred had gotten for free from his first meeting with Mr. Knight at the Three Broomsticks.

 It wasn't as strong as firewhisky, but it could backfire if you weren't careful.

 It seemed to Camellia that Zina was very resistant to alcohol.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2023 ⏰

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