Chapter Two

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Summary: Working at the local Snack Shack at Hawkins Pool wasn't your dream but it's a decent summer job before college. It did come with a perk of being in proximity to the recent California transfer and resident asshole, Billy Hargrove. Having a nice view of the handsome blond was good enough, but when circumstances lead you to an encounter with Billy and then a chance to become friends, perhaps even more, you can't stay away. Maybe Billy Hargrove isn't such an asshole after all. [Canon with a variation]

Warnings: eventual mentions of abuse, smoking, alcohol, sexual themes.

Word Count: 3.1k

Author's Note: Soft Billy is my kryptonite and I make no apologies of how sweet he is in this chapter, okay?? I can't get enough! I hope you'll enjoy it. :D Please let me know in the comments what you think of this chapter!! I appreciate you!!


A strange but nice companionship grew between you and Billy when you both had closing shifts. Good tunes, some goofy moves, and the time passed pleasantly until you left for home. Somehow it evolved into you both requesting the later shifts, independently.

One evening, you had the particularly enjoyable task of scraping dried gum off the bottom of the patio tables and chairs. The Snack Shack didn't even sell gum. Who was bringing gum to the community pool? Disgusting. So there you were, ass parked on the pavement with a table on its side and a butterknife in hand. The rock music played on as you glanced over at Billy as he checked the pH levels of the pool water. Something about safe levels of chlorine, you weren't really sure.

Focused back on your task, you were surprised to hear a loud splash and looking over in time, you spotted Billy's head breach the water. In two long strokes he reached the far end of the pool and proceeded to swim laps to the other side. The rhythmic splashes of his strokes accompanied the music as you continued scraping. So gross. Thankfully, you were wearing gloves. You might have taken a few short breaks to crane your neck and follow the easy flex and stretch of Billy's hard-earned muscles. His golden, tanned skin moving through the water was a sight to behold. Glorious.

Shaking your head, you had finished one table and moved on to the chairs when suddenly the splashing stopped. Curious, you peeked over and saw...nothing.


No sign that Billy had exited the pool. His towel was still on a nearby lounge chair. Turning back to the upturned chair, you tuned your ears for any sound other than the song playing and...still nothing.

Curiously officially piqued, you dropped the butterknife and stood up, taking slow steps toward the pool until you spotted Billy. Perfectly still.


Panic filled you, your head swiveling to see if someone could somehow assist you, although you knew no one else was around. The seconds ticked passed and instinctively, you stepped to the edge of the pool with fingers on your apron to remove it when finally, Billy pushed off from the pool bottom with both feet and blasted to the surface.

Startled, you stepped back from the edge. Billy wiped a hand down his damp face and spotted you.

"Hey," he said with a surprisingly easy smile, then catching your expression. "What's wrong?"

"I...I thought..." you began, then shaking your head. "Nothing. Never mind."

"No, tell me," Billy gently coerced as he swam to the side nearest you. "What's up?"

Billy rested his folded arms on the pool deck, his muscular biceps looking even larger. A few curls had already started to spring up and dry on his forehead. Adorable.

Sink or Swim [Billy Hargrove x Gender Neutral!reader]Where stories live. Discover now