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Welcome to the first story in my BNHA Oneshots book. I hope you enjoy and don't say anything Negative.

Kirishima P.O.V.
I groan and leave my game. I wanted to finish it but mom seems anxious. I throw my shoes on and jog down the stairs and out to the car.
"Why are you smiling?"
I tilt my head confused she usually  has a scowl due to her being a single mom and raising 4 boys, me included.
"Oh nothing. Just going to get you a dog."
My eyes pop out of my head. I have been asking for a dog since I was about 7.
"What? Your serious? Yes, yes, thank you mom. You won't regret this."
She chuckles.
~~~~ Time Skip to them at the shelter ~~~~~~~
"Well go look around."
I hurry up super excited to be able to get a dog. And as I am walking along the kennels. I see one that seems empty. I cock my head confused.
I though, the lady said all the kennels where full. I think as I walk over to the empty on, only to find it not empty. There is a bundle under the blankets in there. And a tuff of blond fur.
"Hey boy come here." I whistle to get the dogs attention. When the blankets move a short rather small boy pops out and I yelp falling back onto my ass. He just clocks his head.

Katsuki's P.O.V.
I sit up as I hear a voice call out.
"Hey boy come here."
I shuffle and push the blankets away. As I come to a seated position. My hair has strands sticking out. And I blink my eyes a couple of times before realizing that it was a customer, and I panic the owner got made when I wasn't in wolf form for the customers. I quickly shift back clearly startling him more. I hear his mother and the staff come over.
"Eiji, is everything ok?"
"He was a human?" He mutters this under his breathe.
I move closer to the kennel door. To sniff at him. And he crawls away. I whine.
"I'm sorry he is a bit misbehaved."
He turns to the staff...
"MISBEHAVED. He was a human Fucking Boy."
The boy's mom turns to him then me and back.
"Eiji, did you hit your head on something? Are you feeling ok?"
"Mom I know what I saw."
"I'm sorry about this. Let's go Eiji."
I watch his mom pull him away and towards the front door.
I feel my heart leap into my chest as I watch the staff member fling the door open.
"Let's go you piece of shit."
She whispers, and grabbing my leash she drags me to the dark room. And closes the door behind me and her. I whimper waiting for the belt.

~~~~~~Time Skip to two weeks later because I hate the staff member~~~~~~~~~~

Kirishima P.O.V.
My mom decided to take me back to the shelter. I slowly turn towards the window thinking about the boy I saw in the shelter. I had done some research when I had gotten home and found a page on wolf pups. But that was all. I also read that in human form the had ears and a tail. I wondered if he did and I just didn't see it. I feel the car, well actually minivan. Come to a stop. My mother ushers me out of the van and into the shelter.
"Oh welcome back did you want to look again we have few new dogs in. I believe there was a puppy?"
I nod my head. And she leads me to the kennels. I look around hoping to see him and he is there. I notice him walk to the door of his kennel. Well limp actually, and it worries me. I stop after she does and motions to the puppy he is short and chunky, maybe a bullsky (bulldog and husky) breed. I squat down, "hey little guy."
He runs to the kennel door and starts sniffing my hand then he licks it.
"Awww, he likes ya. Do you think this is the one?"
"Can I look around a little more."
"Of course."
I walk around and stop at the kennel He is sitting in.
"Hey little guy."
I hold out my hand and watch him. He jumps backing up a little and tilts his head, before he comes over. I reach in and scratch behind his ear. And he purrs (I think I don't know what you call it for a dog, groaning sounds weird.) and leans into my hand. I smile and see my mom approach me.
"Isn't that the one you..."
"Him. I choose him."
My mom watches me.
"Ok, Eiji. Let's go pay for him."
Sooooooo what do you guys think
Part 2?
Turn it into a story thing?
You guys vote. Anyway I hope ya'll enjoyed the story. Stay tuned for the next one. And as always... Have A Bloody Nightmare. Lol.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2022 ⏰

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