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Y/n pov:

Why is it always me who has to sacrifice, after unnie's death I had to drop my dream of music because it was unnie's favorite and now marry a millionaire why only me I want to die ( end of y/n pov)

Time skip to next morning

Y/n phone rings:

On the call: Hi Sara

Sara: hi, why do you sound so sad is everything ok?

y/n: no, can we meet today in a cafe

Sara: hmm ok what time

y/n: within 1 hour

Sara: ok

Call ended....

Time skip to the cafe

Sara: is everything ok y/n

y/n: ofc no my life almost messed up I don't know why my parents are always behind me

Sara: but what happened is it something serious?

y/n: yes, actually my parents want me to marry the millionaire sunghoon I don't even like him he is such a rude and greedy man I don't how girls are crazy for him because if I marry him he will just give his money but not his love to me

y/n and Sara had a long conversation which made me so sad and finally I have taken a decision which was the only option I though would be better

Time skips to night 10pm

y/n m: So what did you decide honey will you marry Sunghoon?

y/n: mom how many times shall I tell you I don't want to marry I just want to study and live my dreams why don't you understand me

y/n d: Dear it's for your benefit only at least you can at least have a better life

y/n: no means no I won't do whatever you guys want

y/n m: then leave from here if you can't obey us we don't want you here

Author's POV: y/n had a big fight with her parents and then she left her home lonely in a street walking and crying but while she was crying a car was coming and it was about to hit y/n but it did not thank god

???: what the heck are you doing do you wanna die or what?

y/n: why do you care if I die or live (sobbing))

???: just get in to my car you don't seem fine

y/n gets into his car and he starts his car as their in the middle of their journey

y/n: What is your name?

???: my name is Jeon Jungkook

y/n: wait I know you I guess I saw in a news somedays ago

Jungkook: you are right I am the mafia Jungkook 

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